Happy Holidays Everyone.
Christmas this year was fantastic! Lots of fun, lots of friends, amazing time.
On Christmas eve our cell group got together and delivered a bunch of presents and other festive things to a needy family in our community. It was a great way to spend Christmas-Eve-afternoon. This family was so amazing and grateful and beautiful. I think they touched our hearts in a way much deeper than we could ever have touched theirs. They were great. Keep the Davis family in your prayers. You can see some pictures of the afternoon at Wayne Leister's blog
Christmas Eve Jason and I went out to dinner and then to church. The service was great. We then went home where I put on new Christmas pjs and quickly fell asleep. The next morning we woke up and had a great time opening our presents. You can read all about our Christmas at
Amy and Juan spent a few days at our apartment which was really nice. It was the first time I had seen Amy since May so it was great to see them. Murray was here for Christmas night which was also great. On tuesday I went to Fayetteville with Amy and Juan. Amy and I attempted to bake a strawberry cake but her bakers secret non-stick cake pans wouldn't let go of the cakes so they came out kind of messed up. We learned the bakers secret is that they really are not non-stick at all. We managed to salvage one cake and made a funky strawberry design out of the second one. It was a funny project. To consitute this as a day of 'work', Amy served our cake to the people in the shelter. I would like to thank Mrs. Guadalope (completely spelled wrong) for giving Amy so much time off to spend with me. I had a great time. Later then we went to a Japenese steak house to celebrate Juan's birthday. It was good times. On Thursday I took the train back from Raleigh to Charlotte where my husband met me at the station with a teddy bear and godiva chocolates. Turns out I was missed. So was he. We've become one of those couples that doesn't function well without eachother.
On friday Jason went SKY DIVING! To read more about that, go to my xanga.
Tonight we are going to John and Julie's house (some friends from church) to ring in the New Year. It'll be good times. I'll post my New Years resolutions later on. This year is going to be a changing year filled with excitment and suprises. I can't wait. It's going to be our best year ever.

Here's Amy with our poor, poor cake

Here is the poor, poor cake and the utensils we used to remove it with

Here is the finished product. Not a bad save if I do say so myself!