Friday, June 24, 2005

Where Is Everybody?

HEY! Have I not made it perfectly clear that 0 comments makes me sad and depressed! Come on people! Don't slack off just because it's summer! I just miss everyone..sniff sniff...That's all.
Summer has brought with it a period of dryness in almost every area of my life. My surroundings are, of course, very dry seeing as how it is 100 degrees everyday. The soil and sod have literally turned to sand and dust. It amazes me that vegetation can survive here. Physically I have fallen off of the exercise horse. I was doing so well, getting up early, at the gym by 7:00am and then off to work by 9:00am. I felt really good. Then I blew a tire on my car and during the waiting period my routine got shaken up. It's been really hard to get back into the groove. Spiritually I've been pretty docile. In the world's of ups and downs this would be a down but not for any particular reason. Just feeling suspended in complacency. I'm not even really depressed or upset or anything, just feeling really lazy. I've never really consider how strong the enemy is until I go through times like these. My life is great. I have blessings all around me. I have a husband who loves me, a job that supports me, friends and family who care about me and first and foremost a God who created me in love and wants to be with me daily. I know logically all of the arguments and cliches one says to another when experiencing dry times. I know what I need to do to shake the dryness and it's as simple as sitting in the presence of God and being regenerated. And even though I've never had a negative experience sitting in God's presence, I still do everything in my power to avoid it during these times of dryness. I'll get on the computer instead of reading my bible. I'll play my keyboard instead of pray to God. This is why the enemy is much more present in life than I thought, whispering to us that somehow spending time with our heavenly Father is a negative thing! And we buy it! I've been reading the book, "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S Lewis. Now I realize it is a fiction compilation and not to be taken as accurate accounts of demon conversation, however it is very interesting to observe areas in life where the devil could be placing his foot. The book says that the devil loves two types of people: Those who are overly interested in him to the point of obsession and those who don't believe him. He can do just as much evil in the life of someone who claims he isn't there as he can in the life of someone who worships him!
Now I'm not one who likes to blame the devil for everything. I am the one who ultimately makes the decisions about my life. But it's been an interesting enlightenment during this time of dryness to pinpoint why I feel the way I feel. It gives me motivation to kick the habit of complacency because I don't want Satan to succeed in my life. So if you're reading this whisper a little prayer on behalf of those who are experiencing dryness. It is not backsliding or caused by life's troubles. In fact the most passionate times I have spent with the Lord have been when he is all I have and everything else is falling apart. Dryness tends to seep into my life when everything is just fine. Not great, not bad, but fine. When we have enough money to live but not enough to do anything else. When work has become ritualistically normal and life is just kind of bobbing along, uneventful.
"There must be more than this, Spirit of God come breathe within.
There must be more than this Spirit of God we wait for you.
Fill us anew we pray, fill us anew we pray.
Consuming fire, fan into flame a passion for Your name.
Spirit of God, fall in this place.
Lord have Your way, Lord have Your way with us."

- Tim Hughes, 'Consuming Fire'


Kathryn said...

Dude! This just in: New teen girl squad episode...Dissapointing I might add...However, still thought you should check 'er out!


Kathryn said...

Oh mean't to tell ya, It definately started out strong and had GREAT promise as being one of the greats, it then went downhill quickly...Sorry to be the bearer of bad new dude! PEYACE!!!!