Friday, October 28, 2005

This is Jason holding our Halloween pumpkin. We were thrilled to discover that the pumpkin salemen are also the Christmas tree salesmen and Rooster Fighters. YES! Posted by Picasa

Jason and I took Dakota to the park yesterday. That dog is a fool for her daddy. What a cute pair! Posted by Picasa

Here is my belly. It is getting quite large. I took this picture in my pajamas and cleverly put makeup on just one side of my face, given that I had just gotten out of bed and things aren't so pretty at that time of the morning. Baby Boo is growing and moving around all over the place. He makes me giggle at the most inopportune times. I have a feeling that he is going to do that for the majority of his life.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 24, 2005

It's a Boy!

Here are some pictures of our baby boy that were taken today.
The first one is of his...well...his stuff. He did exactly what we wanted him to do. He has one leg bent and the other one straight out. If you squint, you can see where the dr. labelled the parts.

The other one is of him from the front, chillin with his hands on his head.
He was nestled comfortably under my left hip. So cute!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Cat's on the table

My cat is batheing himself on my dining room table. I should in all honesty discipline his rebellious behavior but nothing works. He fears nothing but the vacuum and I do not have the strength to hoist it to the top of the table and chase him down. So he shall remain "Chat sur le table" (I apologize because I know that has to be wrong)
I put flea medicine on my little cat last night. I usually use the crazy expensive vet stuff but given our current financial situation, I went with a cheap Walmart brand of flea drops. So I put them on the back of her neck like I am instructed to do on the packaging and proceed to get in bed. After several minutes of lying there in the dark, I hear her running viciously up and down the hallway panting and hissing at nothing. So I go to check on her and she is evidently possessed by a demon or having an extreme negative reaction to her flea drops. I take her in the bathroom and wash her down with baby shampoo, meanwhile a little flea runs across her face, smiling and laughing and screaming profanities at me as he nestles his way down into her furry head. I kept an eye on her for a while after and she seemed to be ok. I am happy to say that aside from some slight twitching of the ears, she is doing much better. Poor little Kitty. Stupid little fleas. Grrrr.
I can't believe they would sell stuff like that. I'm going to write a strongly worded letter.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Calm Down Kissy Boots!

Hey...i'm updating. I've been pretty busy for an unemployed woman. I've been volunteering for The Salvation Army lately. This is my third Christmas involved with Army stuff and I enjoy it more this year even though I'm not being paid. I'm actually looking forward to Christmas this year. I couldn't figure out why but then I realized, "It's because I don't work for the Army!" I'm going to decorate and make cards and cookies and do all kinds of festive things. YAY!
I had a doctors appointment on Monday. Everything looks good. It wasn't the ultrasound appointment but they scheduled it for this coming Monday. The Anatomy Ultrasound. If the baby cooperates, we'll know the gender. I hoping it will strike a provocative pose so that we will know 100%. Very exciting. My new doctor is really great and the hospital where I'll be delivering is beautiful. I feel good about it, even though I'm paying out the nose. I can't believe there is no law in this country that I am protected under to be insured as a pregnant woman!? When you come from a socialistic nation these things are considered outrageous! That's a USA rave for another time. Grrrr. But anyway, God is good and all is well.
So, Jason and I are having a running, extremely commical, debate. Let me know what you think:
How do you feel about stuffing your domestic house pets after they have passed away so that they may remain in your life forever? One of us thinks this is creepy and wierd and should never be done and the other thinks (for some unknown reason) that it's a cute idea. Let me know what side you fall on so that I may show my husband that everyone agrees with me. So far, it's 2-0 for Kathy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My First Cake

Ok, so it is no suprise to anyone who knows me that I am terrible in the kitchen. Mostly when it comes to baking. I made brownies from a box before that turned out rockhard and not fit to eat and I, with my sister and friend Renee, made an anniversary cake for my parents from scratch that turned out lop sided, nasty, with green, chunky icing. But I have to make an announcement. Today, (with the help of betty crocker) I made my first cake. It's a halloween cake, for the Mary Kay party tonight. Sherry bought the mix and the icing but being the workin woman that she is, did not find time to bake it. Since she knows how open my schedule it, she asked me if I would prepare it and I said, "SURE."
I felt kind of bad after, (knowing my past of baking abuse) but I decided to try my hardest. Friend's, feast your eyes on the beauty known as,
"Kathy's First Cake."

Monday, October 10, 2005

Ah, nevermind

So, I've made another decision. I'm going to keep blogging. Why not? I really have nothing else to do! I'm unemployed, unenrolled in school, uninvolved in anything. Plus my dear friends Kristy and KATHRYN (sorry Auntie KB) are worth the time and energy. The hormones must be causing this indecisiveness. I'm sitting in Kristy's office right now while she is deeply engrossed in a meeting about church stats and other pressing world affairs. Her office is filled with fun. Cards from little children, fake flowers, pictures of random people and babies, and lots and lots of colour. There is also an empty gumball machine...Kristy, fill your gumball machine.
You know what's not fun? Pregnancy. I can't wait for this kid to grow and get here and play with me. I'm going to have SO much fun with that child. I can't wait!
I don't want to be one of those 'martyr moms' who constantly talks about the trials of parenting and how amazing they are for doing it. I also don't want to be one of those mom's who only associates with other mom's. I also don't ever, ever, ever want to wear mom jeans (you know the ones ladies, with the wide bum pockets, waste pulled up past the belly button and the dreaded tappered leg...gadzooks!) I also think that I will wear materinty pants for the rest of my life. HELLO COMFORT. I highly recommend them for the pregnant and non-pregnant alike. Dang they're comfy!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

My Decision

SO, I've decided that I am going to use my blog specifically for uploading pictures and occasional venting. Xanga is mean and doesn't let me upload pictures without paying, but for some reason the majority of people use it and I have lost the energy to upkeep both sites. Of course I will also use blogger for sending out props to my pals Kristy and Katherine (AKA: Auntie Kissy Boots). Thanks for being faithful readers you guys! All other daily/weekly entries about my life and what's going on in it will take place at
Xanga is also mean in the way that it won't let non-xanga people leave comments so if you ever wish to comment about anything over there, you can do it over here.
Peace and Love,

Monday, October 03, 2005


Does anyone read this?

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Me at 16 Weeks! Posted by Picasa