Thursday, August 31, 2006

Don't be nasty

This message is for people, like myself, who call themselves 'christians' and are desperatly trying to live a holy life....I have a plea, something that God has laid on my heart lately....Don't be nasty.
What do I mean by this?
Don't be the one who makes the store clerk feel bad because they don't have what you need in stock. Don't be the one who talks down to the waiter because your food (which they themselves did not actually prepare) is too cold, too spicey, too whatever. Don't stick up your middle finger in traffic and then raise your hands on Sunday morning, because the person you gestured to on Saturday afternoon might be sitting behind you on Sunday morning thinking, "If she's what a Christian should be, then I don't want any part of it."
Don't use xanga, blogger, myspace, HI5 or whatever website/online journal you have to publically humiliate or hurt people's feelings. Gossip is damaging enough, but public slander is just crossing the line, no matter how annonymous you think you're being.
Do whatever you can to get closure in your life, even when people have done nothing but kick you in the face, even when they lie about you, even when the entire world is against you, find peace and acceptence in the arms of Christ because if you don't, you'll always be miserable, angry and in the midst of your own pity party. Hurt people, hurt people.
Don't be nasty because when you are, it makes Christ look bad and you have no right to do that. Don't talk about how much you love Christ and hate anyone who's ever hurt you in the same breath. The whole, "You'll know them by their fruits" thing is absolutly true.
Don't be nasty. Forgive people. Quit blowing up the poor me balloons and look at your blessings. If you have a problem with someone, talk to them. Don't email them about it. Too much is lost in translation.
Don't be nasty. No matter how entitled you feel you are...being a Christ follower means denying yourself the right to be rude even when you have the perfect opportunity. Don't be known as that person that no one should cross.
Don't be nasty. I know that's not a commandment, but it's a request from a fellow Christian because every word you say and everything you do is being watch by a world that wants every opportunity to say, "Christians are all hypocrits!"
Don't let them be right...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Like Mother, Like Son....a wanna-be diet pepsi addict

"Just sitting here minding my own business....Mmmmm is that diept Pepsi I see?"

"Maybe I can reach it..."

"Almost there...."

"Oh no! I've been caught!"

"Come on Mom, how can you be mad at face like this?!?!"

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The 'Thing'

Tonight the freakiest thing that has ever happened to me, happened to me.
I leave worship band practice, it's about 9:45, and I head down the highway to the nearest gas station to fill up. The song, "Bringing Sexy Back" is on the radio, which my friend Leksie and I love to make fun of, so I call her and we laugh about the stupid song. I keep talking to her as I fill up the car with gas, get in it, and pull out of the gas station, onto the highway, heading home.
All of a sudden I feel the sensation of something crawling up my leg on the outside of my jeans....almost like a huge crab...and then it pinches/bites me. I freak out and scream into the phone, smacking the 'thing' off of my pants and pulling off the street. Praise God there was no one behind me because I slammed on the brakes in panic. I jump out of the car and stand there completely stunned, having hung up on Leksie who must think I have wrecked or something, I try and regain my composure to look for the 'thing' when suddenly I feel it crawling on my back. It really bites me this time (i have the scars to prove it!) I freak out again, this time in full view of anyone driving by, and I slap it off of my back and onto the ground. I could barely see it because it landed behind the car and it was dark, but I could see that it was upside down with all of its feet in the air and it was the size of my fist. By this time I am standing in the middle of the road, trying to be as far away from it as possible, but then realize that it's probably safer to stand next to the 'thing' then to be hit by a car so I hold my breath and step on the 'thing'. It doesn't even crunch under my foot! So then I panicked and kick it off into the grass.
Now I have a wild imagination, and could not for the life of me bring myself to get back in my car without having it thoroughly checked. I mean, initially I felt this 'thing' on my leg....then in the middle of my in my mind, there had to be two of them. There was no way I was getting back in there. I call Jerad, the music pastor at our church, to see if he is still close by and if he can come check my car, but he doesn't pick up his phone. I call Dave, the british bass player, because even though he left early, I knew he would have a phone number for someone who could help me. I explain to him in broken sentences what happened,
"Dave...this thing...crawled up my leg...i think it bit..there might be two...I need someone to come was gross...."
Confused, he told me to hang tight, and he calls Lance, the electric guitar player. Lance then calls me. I repeat my broken, non-sensical statements to him and luckily, he is close by and he comes to search for 'thing' #2. He shows up, then Mike the other electric guitar player shows up and they very kindly search my very messy car all over in search of thing #2. Much to their dissapointment and my delight, no thing #2 was found. Thing #1 must have made the journey from my leg to my back in record time. Thanks Lance for coming to the rescue!
I drove with the dome light on the entire way home, slapping myself repeadily whenever I thought I felt something on me... I still feel like there are bugs all over me. Man, I am the worst person for that to happen to, and the worst thing is that I'll never know what it was, except that it was huge and it left a large welt on my back, either with it's pinchers or it's fangs. Darn that 'thing'! Darn it to heck!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Did I forget to mention this....

I forgot to tell you all about the amazing suprise party my husband planned and threw for me on my birthday! It was pics cause I didn't know to bring my camera and my friends slacked off! Just kidding, they were all awesome and in on it. I kind of knew it was going to happen but played dumb. After it was all over Jay and I laughed about how poorly he keeps secrets but it was still an amazing night.
We were suppose to go to Carabba's but Jay said he had arranged a babysitter who was meeting us at the Olive Garden...(that's kind of when everything fell apart, because that was his hilarious excuse to get us to the restaraunt) so we go in and there are like 30 of our friends there...they missed their 'suprise' cue which was also hysterical and we had an awesome night. It was overwhelming to be surrounded by such awesome people on the big 23. My husband is amazing. I don't deserve him but I'm not going to question it, I'm just going to be thankful. He comes home tomorrow...We're pathedic, it's been less then 48 hours and we're missing eachother so much. I can't imagine how military women do it. Especially those with children. To go for months upon months without their soul mate by their raise their children alone and have no soft place to fall when things get crazy. For some reason that's been on my mind the last couple of days. We should all pray for them. I know that is incredibly random but I think it's important...sometimes God lays random things on your heart and you just gotta pray.
Something else incredibly random. I did some baking tonight...banana bread and a new kind of cookie with milk chocolate and pecans in them...amazing! Even though I didn't have brown sugar, I subsititued with regular and it turned out just fine. Ok, it's getting late and I'm getting boring. Chao!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Kathy - Jason = Sadness

Jay is at a trade show in Chicago until Wednesday. I brought him to the airport this morning. Boo hiss. It's only two nights, but I still hate being separated from him. Must come from those long months of long distance dating. Airports always take me back there....ick.
Sunday was our first official service at
Lifechurch is now and it's location is at a local highschool. It's amazing how this movement is taking over the city. I'm so excited to see what the presence of God is going to do in that highschool. It's going to be awesome.
You can check it out at none other then The church has the same name as the website so that everything is easily remembered and accessible to the whole world.
I don't have much to write. Caden is having a rough day. This is the first day ever that I've been paged at the gym to come pick him up from the childcare room because he was yelling his lungs out. He's got a bad rash and a cold so he's just miserable today. He is however gaining weight and that is a huge blessing. He's back on the chart in the 3rd percentile so that's great news.
Pray for his itchy little butt cheeks.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Poopy Feeling

So I have a poopy feeling. I always have a poopy feeling after I do what I did this morning. I was at Publix, buying some groceries and made a mental note to lock the car doors (which I usually don't do) because I had some cash and back deposits in the car. So I get the baby, go in the store, do my thing and return to my car. When I get to my car (excuse the judgment that is about to happen) there was a shady looking character hanging out by my vehicle. She stopped me and said, "Ma'am, I just wanted to let you know that you left your car door wide open when you went in the store and I made sure I got a store manager out here to close the door. I just wanted to let you know that I took care of that for you."
immediately I panicked, "Thank you" I said as I peered in the window of the car to make sure everything was still there. Everything was, so my heart calmed back down. Thinking back, it would have been impossible for me to have made such an error. Then it happened.
"Ma'am my house just recently burned down and I have four kids and I am taking up donations to get back on my feet. Can you spare some money?"
Usually my response to this is, "I'm sorry I don't have any cash" and this is normally true cause I NEVER have cash but I knew three things for sure.
A) She was lying through her teeth. As terrible as that sounds I have been in enough situations like this to know she was not legit.
B) She knew I had cash because she had seen it in my car.
C) If I did not give her money, there was going to be a confrontation. Nothing physical or dangerous, just her trying to make me feel like a monster.
She made reference again to the fact that she had taken care of my car door issue, and to the fact that I must understand her situation since I am a mother (then she asked me if my baby was bi-racial which I'm still trying to figure out...Pale, blonde hair, blue eyed bi-racial baby??) I knew that if I didn't end the situation with some cash, she was going to attempt to make me feel like a bad person and she would have succeeded. So wanting to avoid a confrontation, I hand over 5 bucks, she says, "God Bless you," I watch her pretend to go in the grocery store and then cleverly sneak off down the street....While I'm left to wonder what addiction that money is going to feed.
I know I am coming across as being EXTREMELY judgmental, but certain situations are transparent, even for someone as naive as me. So here I sit feeling poopy. God tells us to give to the poor, he commands us to love. Should I give of my money because it's the right thing to do, regardless of where the funds might end up? In hindsight I should have offered to purchase a publix gift card for her but I've offered this before in similar situations and it's always angrily refused. The truth is I gave because I desperately wanted to avoid an altercation and left the situation feeling, well, poopy.
In the end I prayed that God would allow her to take the money to McDonald's and put it to some good use. I guess when you get to that point, that's all you can do. Sigh.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

My Testimony

I've been thinking alot about my life lately...well specifically about my Christian testimony. I was raised in the church where I heard countless testimonies about people who have been plucked from the depths of sin and into the eternal grace of Jesus. As much as these stories are beautiful and worthy of praising God for, I was always left to feel like I had no testimony. This feeling was confirmed by people (mostly Christian friends) who would jestfully mock me for being a 'goody two shoes' who has never done 'anything.' If I had a quarter for everytime someone shook their head at me for not having done 'anything' I would have at least 7 dollars. On many occasions I have left bible studies, church services and various other places where background and salvation experiences are discussed, feeling ashamed for having no regrets. Strange? but it's true. I've either been made to feel niave, immature, out-to-lunch or arrogant for professing God's saving and keeping power over my life from the time I was literally a toddler till now. Here's the truth about me...brutally and honestly....
I have never smoked or even touched a cigarette to my lips. I have tasted alcohol but have never come close to becoming intoxicated. I have only ever been in one serious relationship and I am married to him. I was able to honestly wear white on my wedding day (if you know what I mean). The only thing that I can recall doing behind my parent's backs was sneaking out to a teen dance at a local bar when I was 14 when I spent the night at a friend's house (and for that mom and dad I deeply apologize :)
I have said bad words, I have had a rotten attitude on many, MANY occasions. I have harbored feelings of anger, unforgiveness, selfishness, guilt, jealousy...especially when someone skinny walks by. I pick up litter when no one is looking, I always put my grocery cart in the appropriate place because I fear the wrath of God from my Baptist upbringing (just kidding Dad). I hate doing anything that might get me in trouble. I like to have fun but I find nothing fun in disregarding authority. I am not in any way shape or form an exibitionist and tend to lean more to the side of over-modest in my dress. I like food WAY too much and don't exercise, floss, pray or read my bible as much as I should but I'm getting better at scheduling Jesus time. I love people. I hate confrontation and will do ANYTHING to avoid it, including lying about how I really feel. I am VERY good at masking my emotions. I hate crying infront of people, even though I am a very deep and emotional person I don't like coming across that way. I only like attention when I am trying to be funny. I have some issues with my self-esteem when it comes to my physical appearence however I am proud of the person that I am and the heart that God has given me.
Why do I say all of this? Because I am no longer going to be ashamed for what I haven't done because in doing so, I am being ashamed of God's work in me. Am I a sinner? ABSOLUTLY. Do I think I'm better then anyone else? ABSOLUTLY NOT! Have I hit rock bottom? No, but God has recently revealed to me that I don't have to in order to relate to people from all walks of life. I always thought that my empathy was not enough for me understand people who are involved with things I have never been involved with but I have learned something very important....I DO NOT NEED TO EXPERIENCE IT TO UNDERSTAND IT. Jesus never did, and he talked about everything. I am just sick of people learning about the person that I am and thinking that I don't have any understanding of what life is and what grace means.
So there you go. I just really feel as though God is saying, "Kathy, share what I've done in your life. Celebrate the fact that in my power alone I have kept you from life altering regret. Give me all of the glory and all of the praise. Thank me for giving humanity guidelines to live by that work. Be honest about your sin and your mess as well as your success. Honor me by sharing your story."
That's my testimony...and yes, I do have one.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006