Thursday, August 24, 2006

The 'Thing'

Tonight the freakiest thing that has ever happened to me, happened to me.
I leave worship band practice, it's about 9:45, and I head down the highway to the nearest gas station to fill up. The song, "Bringing Sexy Back" is on the radio, which my friend Leksie and I love to make fun of, so I call her and we laugh about the stupid song. I keep talking to her as I fill up the car with gas, get in it, and pull out of the gas station, onto the highway, heading home.
All of a sudden I feel the sensation of something crawling up my leg on the outside of my jeans....almost like a huge crab...and then it pinches/bites me. I freak out and scream into the phone, smacking the 'thing' off of my pants and pulling off the street. Praise God there was no one behind me because I slammed on the brakes in panic. I jump out of the car and stand there completely stunned, having hung up on Leksie who must think I have wrecked or something, I try and regain my composure to look for the 'thing' when suddenly I feel it crawling on my back. It really bites me this time (i have the scars to prove it!) I freak out again, this time in full view of anyone driving by, and I slap it off of my back and onto the ground. I could barely see it because it landed behind the car and it was dark, but I could see that it was upside down with all of its feet in the air and it was the size of my fist. By this time I am standing in the middle of the road, trying to be as far away from it as possible, but then realize that it's probably safer to stand next to the 'thing' then to be hit by a car so I hold my breath and step on the 'thing'. It doesn't even crunch under my foot! So then I panicked and kick it off into the grass.
Now I have a wild imagination, and could not for the life of me bring myself to get back in my car without having it thoroughly checked. I mean, initially I felt this 'thing' on my leg....then in the middle of my in my mind, there had to be two of them. There was no way I was getting back in there. I call Jerad, the music pastor at our church, to see if he is still close by and if he can come check my car, but he doesn't pick up his phone. I call Dave, the british bass player, because even though he left early, I knew he would have a phone number for someone who could help me. I explain to him in broken sentences what happened,
"Dave...this thing...crawled up my leg...i think it bit..there might be two...I need someone to come was gross...."
Confused, he told me to hang tight, and he calls Lance, the electric guitar player. Lance then calls me. I repeat my broken, non-sensical statements to him and luckily, he is close by and he comes to search for 'thing' #2. He shows up, then Mike the other electric guitar player shows up and they very kindly search my very messy car all over in search of thing #2. Much to their dissapointment and my delight, no thing #2 was found. Thing #1 must have made the journey from my leg to my back in record time. Thanks Lance for coming to the rescue!
I drove with the dome light on the entire way home, slapping myself repeadily whenever I thought I felt something on me... I still feel like there are bugs all over me. Man, I am the worst person for that to happen to, and the worst thing is that I'll never know what it was, except that it was huge and it left a large welt on my back, either with it's pinchers or it's fangs. Darn that 'thing'! Darn it to heck!


Kathryn said...

Kathy - THAT...IS....DISGUSTING! Oh my gosh, I can't beleive it. Should you get the bites looked at? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.....Ew, ew , ew , ew.....I hope you're okay. Don't turn into a vampire on me, I kinda like the mortal, human Kathy!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that must have been pretty scary. I kept thinking, "what is it, what is it?!" I am glad you are okay. The bad thing is that I am picturing you in the middle of the road and didn't know whether I should laugh or cry. Miss you!! Wayne told me you said hey.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome! Hahahahaha.