Friday, July 01, 2005

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada day! The fabulous day that our nation was formed. I bought materials to make Canada cookies but I never got around to it. I celebrated by going to the doctor to get a lump in my neck checked out. He said it was shaped like a Maple Leaf!! Just kidding. That would have been awesome though.
I have to get some blood work done tomorrow and I have to get a Catscan on Thursday just to make sure it's all good. The dr. thinks it's nothing serious so I'm not too worried about it. Keep it all in prayer though if you have time.
Jason's parents are coming in from NY tomorrow. They'll be here until Tuesday. I'm excited. We rarely get to see them so it'll be good.
I've been thinking alot lately about the ridiculous competition between denominations of the Christian church. Isn't it funny how church's look at eachother as though they are competitors in a race for stats and correct docterine? I've actually heard people within non-profit, God centered ministries refer to other non-profit, God centered ministries as 'The Competition.' I celebrate denominational diversity. I think denominations are fabulous. I think it's ridiculous to think that everyone should be able to find everything they need at one church. If that was the case, we'd have one big ol' church. What about the people who need to be in tiny church's to feel safe and loved? Everyone is different and everyone needs different things. We need to praise God for leading people to places where they fit. If that's not your church, big deal!
Don't know why that's been on my mind just has...

1 comment:

sarah jewett clarke said...

praying for your lump, dear.

yesterday i read a quote by
kathleen hasenberg.....

Christ's will was, and is, to unite. think how he wept over jerusalem! think of his prayer, “that they all might be one.” but people did not and do not want this. Christ said, “I am the Way,” and that is what matters.

not what denomination or church group one belongs to, not social work, not reform, etc.—but the Way.

modern life is so complicated and torn, so distracting and disintegrating...whereas the Way is simple, light and straight, and unifies the whole of life.

interesting, eh? imagine what would happen if we all stopped bickering and started focusing on the simple truths of the gospel....and spreading the Word to those who are literally dying to hear.

hey to jason and hope to see y'all soon...