Friday, July 08, 2005

What a Stinky Day!

Man, God is really using this week to drive me to my knees.
Allow me to vent:
I went to have a catscan done this week on my neck and it turns out that there is something there but they won't know what it is for a couple of days. Fortunatly there are 100 non-scary things that it could be and only one scary thing, so my odds are good. I'm not too concerned about that, but if you could, keep it in your prayers.
This morning I decided to go to work a way that I never go. I even found myself wondering, "Why am I going this way?" But I continued on. I'm a good driver and I assume that everyone around me is as well, so I manuvered my way into a tight spot in the lane next to me and proceeded to slow and turn up the following street when the person behind me RAMMED me from behind, sending me flying. I'm going to be REALLY sore tomorrow and my car is pretty much demolished. I couldn't get the door opened so I had to crawl out the other side and the woman who hit me was SO mean and that hurt more than the flinging of my body against my steering wheel. I'm fine. Damaged pride and a fear of a lawsuit on my hands, but I'm fine. The woman is blaming me for everything and she wasn't nice to deal with so we'll what happens.
LASTLY, there's a hurricane coming straight for us.
I have to go, but keep Kathy in prayer this week, as well as the Panhandel of Florida. God is working something big in me! I hope I don't perish before it comes to pass!


Kathryn said...

Blueberry! I am here, don't fret my darling! And no worries about the car accident, it's ALWAYS the person who RAMMED you from behind that's at fault, she should have left more room, so NO worries, BE HAPPY! And you'll be in my thoughts....Love you muffy!

The Secret of Happiness said...

TAG! You're it. I know I know, we've been playing this crazy game for a couple of weeks now. I'm sorry you had a bad day. Should I dride to Florida and make soup and toast? You know I will! Oh wait, you guys have that nasty've got a husband to take care of you, you don't need me. I love you, I hope you're feeling better. Stay safe!

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