Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I'm so anxious! In a good way, I am counting down the days for alot of things!
First I find that I am counting down the days till I can go back to Life Church. I've never really been that way about church before and it has nothing to do with social reasons or how great the worship team sounds or anything like that. Through God's word in that place I am sensing for the first time in a long time the awesome power of God. The leadership there is incredible and I feel so comfortable being led by the Pastor. There is power there, and the great thing is that God's power is not limited to certain denominations like we sometimes think. God can blow the roof off of any congregation with his amazing spirit. There needs to be some evidence of God's power in our lives, cause when the Holy Spirit baptizes your soul, there is power in that! You take on gifts and attributes that you never had before and God's will can be accomplished through you. For the first time in a long time I am not a spectator at church. It's been hard, but I am finally entering into a time of true worship when I am within God's sactuary, focusing just on him and not on music, people or most importantly, myself. It's hard to block yourself out and make honoring God your lifestyle but I am starting to see how I accomplish nothing living for my own agenda. God is so much greater and so much bigger than anything that can come my way. I've always sung that and heard that and said that, but I don't know that I've conceived that. That's big time stuff.
I read alot on people's blogs about worship and defining it correctly and how people are getting it wrong. God is going to take care of that by re-directing people. For a long time I had missed the boat on what worship truly is and it was through biblical truth and conviction of the Holy Spirit that led me to desire more and make my life about God and not about me. So if you have tapped into a lifestyle of worship, praise God for it and pray for others to tap into the same thing. Because Desmond you're right, arguing about it gets nowhere when two people have completely different definitions of what Worship is. I urge anyone who is bored in their Christian walk to dig deeper into God's word. There are amazing things in there and don't say you know it all, cause even in Heaven God is going to amaze us and astound us everyday with his awesomeness. If you are daily walking with your Lord you are going to develop a deeper and deeper relationship and it's impossible to get bored with that. Don't be afraid. Pray for God's power in your life and watch him use you to change the world!

1 comment:


hey girly...i'm so excited for you as you are on this amazing journey to reconnect with the Spirit. Nathan told me this past weekend you had some mad crazy things going on at church...and so I had to come read your blog!

Love ya