Saturday, May 21, 2005

Can't Sleep

Can't sleep tonight. Partially because I WAY over slept this morning, partially because I am fidgity. I just can't lie still tonight, yet I am so tired. Isn't that wierd? How you can be exhausted but unable to sleep. It stinks. Luckily, this is not a habit for me, just a once in a while thing. So I figured I would use this time to write a blog entry, since nothing and no one is needing my attention, except for a re-run of Rosanne, which I am not at all interested in...she is an annoying woman.
So....what to write about. We went to see a movie tonight called, "Crash" It was very good. It was about a variety of people of different cultures and backgrounds who all live and somehow come in contact with eachother in Los Angelos, CA. It was interesting to see how they stereotyped eachother based on age, gender, race, occupation and religion. It was also interesting because every character was both the good guy and the bad guy. It kind of caused the audience to have mercy on all parties involved no matter what good or evil things they did through out the film. It gave the watcher the benefit of seeing the whole story. I really liked it. Two thumbs up!
What else...Mmmm i figured out as of recently that getting married completely upsets your circadian rhythm. I don't know if I spelt that right, but it is the rhythm that your body has of sleeping. As a single person, I did my devotions before bed and prayed after the lights were out by whispering to God all alone in my room. I would then turn on the tv on mute or the radio on low so that I would have some sound to fall asleep to. Once I got married, I had to begin doing my devotions with jason at night before bed, but my personal time with God has become a morning ritual, which I think serves me better spiritually anyway. But at night I find it really hard to get to sleep without some noise in the room, where as Jason falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. Having a tv in the room or having the radio on would disturb him where as for me it would usher me into sleep. It always takes me a really long time to wind down at night even when I am dog tired. My mind races, not worrying really, but just planning and thinking and recalling events, so then when I do fall asleep I dream vividly all night long. Sometimes I dream that I am running around all night, really busy, so when I wake up I am exhausted. Other times I dream that someone around me did something horrible, and I wake up the next morning really mad at them for the rest of the day. Either way I always wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed. I want to take part in a sleep study sometime. Maybe I'll find out something interesting about my sleep pattern.
Well, I have suddenly become EXTREMELY boring, so I am going to go try and get some sleep! Thanks for suffering through this entry. HEEHEE!