Friday, August 19, 2005


Florida is miserable in the summer time. It's too darn hot!
Speaking of which, it turns out that my husband has Pneumonia! Who gets Pneumonia in Florida in August! Craziness. Keep him in your prayers.
I am so hungry right now. I just bought Jason a chocolate cake. He's been craving one. Sympathy cravings for me. What a sweet heart...
Ever since this whole Pneumonia thing happened he's been refering to himself as, "Dying husband." For example...

"Kathy, would you mind pouring a drink for your dying husband?"
"Kathy, would you mind making dinner for your dying husband?"
Kathy, do you know what would make your dying husband's last days on earth really great? CHOCOLATE CAKE!"

As funny as he is, his cough is pretty bad. We'll be keeping a close eye on it. Where he has Asthma he is at a higher risk than the normal Joe. Poor baby. He never gets sick.

God's love has been very real and evident in our relationship these past few days. We've both been feeling awful but trying equally hard to take care of the other...I play the "Pregnant Wife" card almost as much as he plays the "Dying Husband" card. We've found yet another appreciation for eachother. I think the marriage vows should read, "...In sickness and in health. Even when you're both sick at the same time."