Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I realize that I havn't actually written in my blog in quite some time, with the exception of some photos. I've actually been pretty busy, funny as that may sound because since September 9th I have been unemployed. I love having a social life again. It's been a long time since I lived in a city filled with close friends. My baby is going to be so lucky to have so many awesome aunts, uncles and babysitters!
Jason is enjoying and excelling at his new job. He feels like it's the first time he's actually worked in 1.5 years since he left the same job to persue various other occupations. It's always frustrating to work out of your gift set, but now that he is back on the horse, he is excited and doing a heck of a job! I'm SO proud of him. He's been a great witness in the work place and truly knows and believes that God has great purpose and mission for him to shine the light of Christ at his work place. He's like an undercover Jesus Freak diguised as an Assistant Manager at Superior Fitness. I love it and I love him!
I've been taking some much needed Kathy and baby time. I'm more tired now than I was in the first trimester. I don't know where this whole, "You'll get a burst of energy in the second trimester!" thing comes from because I am consistantly exhausted. I've been unpacking, organizing, doing some much needed catching up with old friends, praying and reading. For the first three days of my unemployment I watched re-runs of the sitcom 'Ellen' but I really havn't watched any T.V. since then. I prayed really hard that God would allow a way for me to work if he wanted me to, but every door was shut and so I have to trust that God wants me to spend this time focusing on him and preparing myself for my future. I feel guilty from time to time that I can't really contribute in a monitary way to our family, but Jason makes me feel amazing even after a fun filled day of laundry and sleeping. I'm glad that I get to take this time to take care of myself. I hear too many women speak of their pregnancies or parenthood as being an act of martyrdom which I can't stand. I am blessed to have this baby, chosen by God to bear children when so many can't and I never want to look at it as a chore or an obligation. It is my privelege to commit my life to my unborn baby.
I have chosen to be a stay-at-home-parent. Some may see this as being easy or some feminist power people may see it as selling out however I forsee this job as being quite difficult, very draining both physically and mentally. This is a job that you can't quit or take vacation from and it's something that you can't fully prepare for. It's like taking a job that is completely foreign to you and knowing that you have this position for the rest of your life, 24 hours a day. If this was any other position I would say, "Heck no! The risk is too high, I want something easier!" But the thought of raising a human being that is made up of two people who love eachother more than life is more exciting than scary. I am SO excited to meet this little person. YAY!
In the meantime, pray for my little cat Sampson...I'm not kidding....i've been told that whatever is important to me is important to God and Sampson's little bowel system has been hard on him lately. I won't ellaborate but pray for his little bummy. Poor baby. He's my first born son.

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