Monday, November 12, 2007


Today Amy is gone. I'm doing suprisingly well because I know she's coming back after Christmas so that gives me enough time to do some work around the house, organize a little bit, prep for Christmas and before I know it, she'll be here once more.
Lance was kind enough to drive us to the airport in Jacksonville last night. It was a fun road trip topped off by a smoking priest and dinner at Krystal Burger. Lance brought his video camera so we were able to capture both events for future entertainment.
Today I start a new regimine of healthy eating and exercise. I haven't gained any weight (which is crazy cause I've been eating s'mores everynight) but I still have a good 10-30 pounds to go until I'm where I want to be so we'll see how far I get before I throw my hands up and say, "I'm done!"
Well I should go. I have alot of cleaning to do today.

1 comment:

Dana said...

So sad. I already miss her. Good thing we don't have long to wait until she is back.