Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I wish I was a Morning Person

But I'm not. No matter how hard I try I can't pull it together for early mornings. I think if I had somewhere to be I would be more motivated to get up and get ready for the day but I can't motivate myself to start the day at 6am when I'm going to be spending the majority of the day at home.
Lucky for me, my husband usually lets me sleep in so he can spend some time one on one with Caden before he goes to work.
This morning Caden decided to wake up at 6 and I got up to get him. I sat there with him on the couch in the dark thinking, "Why did you do this to me Daylight Savings Time? We had a good thing going! He would sleep till almost 8am every morning and now he is all messed up! WHY DST WHY?"
But then he started running around, meowing at the cats, playing with his blocks and being so darn cute that I couldn't stay mad at the lack of light for long.
I'm not a morning person, but having a cute baby to play with at 6am makes 6am not seem not so bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe I should have a kid and thenmy mornings will be more bearable