I've determined that I am very, truly happy. I am overwhelmingly blessed. I have great relationships, an incredible family, a connection to God, health, enough money to pay the bills and to go out to dinner once or twice a month and peace of mind. For the past few days I have been taking advantage of opportunities to sit back and evaluate my life and I have come to the conclusion that it is good.
I am living my purpose for the time being, which is to be a full-time mom. Some people don't understand or respect this decision, but I am completely within God's will for my life and I have a peace and a joy about it.
I have a husband who follows God's directions for what a husband should be. I have a son that is healthy, dangerously cute, smart, talented and hilarious...and although I am surely biased, I am SO blessed to have him in my life.
I have good, deep seeded relationships with people who love me and build me up, not tear me down. I am a member of the most amazing church I have ever found that is not only purpose based, but purpose driven...to know Christ and make Him known. I leave changed everytime I step through the doors.
I have God-given gifts that I am able to use for His glory. I am a deep thinker and I have a deep rooted morality, instilled in me by my parents who were as close to perfect can be in raising me to fear God and love others.
Despite all of this, I mess up this thing called life regularly, but I have a peace in knowing that when I feel sorrow, shame or brokeness, Christ is in my life to uplift, forgive and restore me.
I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend and a child of God.
I am happy.
I'm happy knowing that you're happy. You make me happy being my happy friend ;-) he he!
I am curious as to whether you believe that fulltime motherhood is a universal calling or one that just happens to be the call for you. Just wondering what you think!
Good question. I definitly think that if you have the option you should consider staying at home with your kids while their small, but I don't think full-time motherhood is every mom's calling. I have alot of friends who say they are better moms because they work outside of the home.
As a Christian, I think the key to life is surrendering yourself to what God's will is, whatever that may be.
Prior to becoming pregnant (which happened as a complete suprise) I was in constant turmoil as to what I was suppose to do with my life nothing seemed to fit and if anyone would have asked me, motherhood would have been the furthest thing from my mind.
When I found out I was pregnant I knew I wanted to try staying home because that's how I was raised, and I think people tend to do what their parents did. I now know that I am completely where God wants me to be. For our family, it is the right decision.
If I were to take a full-time job outside of the home I know that eventually I would have a sea of regret for not doing what I knew God wanted me to do...I think I would become a shell of who I'm suppose to be because I would be unhappy...I'd be a square peg in a round hole.
Some women work because they have to in order to support their family. I don't think they are hurting their children by working and I honestly think they are very brave. I know alot of women who would love to stay home if they could but they just don't have that option.
I believe that if a woman is able to stay at home with her children but chooses not to because she believes she will be the best Christian, Wife and Mom by working outside of the home, then she should absolutly do it.
I'll be the first to admit that I am not a hardcore femenist. I'm not going to burn my bra anytime soon because I know I need it to support my chest :) but I am all about women having the freedom to do what they believe in their heart to be right by God, regardless of what that is.
For me, it is to stay home...which is by far the hardest job I've ever done. There's never enough money, my husband and I don't see eachother half as much as we wish we could, I go it alone with Caden 90% of the time and there are days when I want to pull my hair out but anything worth doing is worth working hard and making sacrifices for.
I hope that answers your question. I know alot of Stay at home mom's can judge the working mom's decision to work. I personally don't. If you only get to see your child for 2 hours a day and you make them the best two hours you possibly can because you were able to live your mission throughout the day, then you can't ask for more than that.
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