A brand new year is quickly approaching...what will it hold?
I'll probably attempt to loose weight and fail two weeks into it, realizing I like food more than smaller sizes.
I will start and not finish alot of books.
I'll try to be more organized with my money, time and schedule only to continue on in the frazzled state that is my life.
I will try to remember everyones birthdays and anninversaries only to be one up-ed by my sister everytime....as Dr. Claw would say to Inspector Gadget, "Someday I'll get you, Melissa!"
I will hopefully not move anywhere...unless we buy a house.
I made a list of resolutions that I will try to adhere to so we'll see what happens.
The great thing is that when I am feeling down on myself, like I can never do anything right or like I've never accomplished anything....when I look dispairingly at my resume and lack of education and realize aside from playing the piano, I have no skills whatsoever....I see my handsome little man. I have a tickle fight with him and we laugh hysterically together and he makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the world. He looks at me like I am the smartest, coolest, most fantastic person he has ever known, and it makes all my shortcomings dissapear into the abyss.
So, above all the diets I will fail and birthdays I will forget, I will be the best mom and wife I can be and be confident in knowing that to my God, my Husband and my Son, I am somebody.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Family, Friends, Fun and LOTS of Food.
What a great Christmas. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Even though Caden was more interested in the dogs food bowl then the hundreds of presents that lay before him, he made out like a serious bandit.

We got our Christmas tree on December 22. We decorated and made Christmas cookies. Jay was never a very Christmasy person but I think Caden brought out his Christmas spirit this year.
Caden was spoiled rotten by his grandparents and it was great. His favorite things so far are both toys that Amy and Juan gave him, which are a baby sized drum with sticks and shakers and a doggy who sings and teaches the parts of the body. Caden dances like a fool when that dog sings. It's hilarious.
Dancing and clapping are his latest accomplishments. He LOVES music. We brought him to the mall to 'see' Santa (not sit with Santa because Santa was ridiculously expensive) and every store we went in he would dance to the music. He would sway to the slow songs and rock out to the fast ones. I smell a musician in the family... For Jay's sake I hope he likes sports too.
He also has tooth number two coming in, so there is a matching set inside of his mouth.
Jay had Christmas eve and Christmas day off. It was awesome to spend that much time together. It's been a long time since he's had two days off in a row. He gave me a back massager (which really helps with the back pain) and I gave him a leather motorcycle jacket that hasn't arrived yet....grrrrr....I had to make him a card with a rhyme inside explaining why it was late. He didn't care...he's just VERY excited to receive it, especially since a cold front came through on Christmas eve and it's now very chilly here. I love it!
Jay received a Tim Hortons Coffee maker from my parents and we received a date night curtousy of Jay's parents. My sister sent us gift cards to The Gap...I'm excited to use them cause I never go shopping.
Amy and Juan were here and we watched about 100 episodes of the original Degrassi Junior High cause Amy got the box set for Christmas. We cooked a turkey and had an awesome Christmas feast complete with stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, corn, gravy, dinner rolls and way too much chocolate for dessert.
All in all it was a fantastic Christmas. One of those days that make you sad when it's over. At least it brings us another day closer to next Christmas!
Enjoy some pics!

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I've written before about my hip/back problems....well lately they have been dreadful. It stinks to be so young and feel so old. It also stinks to have to pay so much for a chiropractor and a physical therapist and still feel the same way. Pain is no fun. It makes you sad and irritable. Picking Caden up and lowering him into his crib is really hard...and with Jason working from 9-8 everyday, I don't have much of a choice. Pray for a spiritual and permanent spine adjustment to take place.
For anyone who hasn't yet heard about Gary Cook, pray for him also. He is doing well physically, but was in a car wreck in which another car hit him head on. The driver of the other car passed away (he was 20 years old) and although Gary had no fault in the accident, he must be really shaken up right now so praise God for his safety and pray for him.
Caden has an ear infection which came with an order of high fever and a side of hacking cough but thanks to anti-biotics, he is doing much better. It was a long week of being trapped at home, but thankfully he is back to his old, happy-go-lucky self.
Amy is coming for Christmas. This makes me VERY happy. She is coming on Friday and leaving on Monday or Tuesday. Juan suprised her with a trip to Tallahassee for Christmas so that home wouldn't seem so far away during the holidays. Last year, Amy, Juan, Kristy, Desmond and Murray all came over on Christmas night for cooked dinner and cake. Good times. Oh how I miss everyone....
It's hard to find friends like the ones I've had the priveledge of having in my life. I'm the kind of person who needs to be around people ALL the time...I seriously hate it when visitors have to leave or when social engagements come to an end. My friend Julie and I were talking about this the other day...how we miss having the people around us who we feel comfortable enough with to invite ourselves over and take off our shoes and lounge on their couch. How there is nothing wrong with getting together on a spur of the moment, throwing some dinner together and laughing till the wee hours of the morning.
Friends...I miss you.
I hope everyone has an awesome Christmas. I'll post some pictures of the festivities a little later on.
For anyone who hasn't yet heard about Gary Cook, pray for him also. He is doing well physically, but was in a car wreck in which another car hit him head on. The driver of the other car passed away (he was 20 years old) and although Gary had no fault in the accident, he must be really shaken up right now so praise God for his safety and pray for him.
Caden has an ear infection which came with an order of high fever and a side of hacking cough but thanks to anti-biotics, he is doing much better. It was a long week of being trapped at home, but thankfully he is back to his old, happy-go-lucky self.
Amy is coming for Christmas. This makes me VERY happy. She is coming on Friday and leaving on Monday or Tuesday. Juan suprised her with a trip to Tallahassee for Christmas so that home wouldn't seem so far away during the holidays. Last year, Amy, Juan, Kristy, Desmond and Murray all came over on Christmas night for cooked dinner and cake. Good times. Oh how I miss everyone....
It's hard to find friends like the ones I've had the priveledge of having in my life. I'm the kind of person who needs to be around people ALL the time...I seriously hate it when visitors have to leave or when social engagements come to an end. My friend Julie and I were talking about this the other day...how we miss having the people around us who we feel comfortable enough with to invite ourselves over and take off our shoes and lounge on their couch. How there is nothing wrong with getting together on a spur of the moment, throwing some dinner together and laughing till the wee hours of the morning.
Friends...I miss you.
I hope everyone has an awesome Christmas. I'll post some pictures of the festivities a little later on.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Some pictures
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Up or Down
It's amazing how after talking to certain people you can feel enlightened and positive and after talking to others you can feel negative and disgruntled. I've been noting that about myself after reading several blogs today. Some really added things to my life in a positive way, empowering me and inspiring me to be better. Some have been entertaining with pictures and stories about people and what's going on in their lives. Others have been incredibly deflating and negative. More have been boring and long winded, wordy and pompous. Some have been educational and thought provoking...It's really amazing.
I didn't realize how much reading blogs and interacting with people can alter your mood and your day, depending on whether the experience was negative or positive. It's really quite amazing when you sit back and think about it.
Are the people you interact with (either through blogs, email, phone calls or in person) a positive thing in your life or a negative one? Are you a positive person or are you bringing people down?
I'm going to make an effort to breathe positivity into people rather then strip them of it. The power of your words is really an incredible thing....
I didn't realize how much reading blogs and interacting with people can alter your mood and your day, depending on whether the experience was negative or positive. It's really quite amazing when you sit back and think about it.
Are the people you interact with (either through blogs, email, phone calls or in person) a positive thing in your life or a negative one? Are you a positive person or are you bringing people down?
I'm going to make an effort to breathe positivity into people rather then strip them of it. The power of your words is really an incredible thing....
Thursday, December 14, 2006
What's New
I haven't actually written anything in a while. There's been too much cuteness to share since I got my new camera. Caden has been feeling pretty bad these last couple of days so we've taken a camera break. He had a fever of 105 which supposedly is not as serious as it sounds for a baby but he felt like her was on fire. His fever is down a lot now but he still isn't 100%. Hopefully he'll be better by the weekend.
Christmas is quickly approaching. Amy and Juan are coming here for Christmas. I am VERY excited about this. It's going to be great to see them again. I have pretty much every one's presents except for Jay's and I know what I'm getting him so it's all good. Christmas is the one time of year that I am actually on the ball with gifts and cards. Every other birthday or anniversary you probably won't receive anything from me...but Christmas, I'm on top of it!
I've gotten on a brownie kick. I've been making them and eating them a lot. Not good for the waistline....I'll just make another New Years Resolution to loose weight. That way I'll feel better when I gorge during the Christmas season, I'll diet for the first two weeks of January and fluctuate within the same 10 pound bracket just like I always do for the rest of 2007 until I promise myself I'm going to be fit in 2008. It's a vicious cycle...but what can I say? I love me some brownies. I love brownies more than I love single digit sizes.
I was watching the biggest looser last night and was getting pretty emotional. The winner lost a total of over 200 pounds. He went from a morbidly obese, diabetic to a fit, triathlon runner. It must be amazing to reach a goal like that. I coveted his success....and ate a brownie to make myself feel better :) Maybe 2007 will finally be the year that I loose this 25 pounds....here's to hoping.
Well I should get back to my laundry. I am on a roll today. Usually my laundry basket consistently looks like the picture below...and no matter how many cycles I do, I never make a dent. Tonight our hamper will be empty! That I can guarantee!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Things I have learned about myself
I am exceptionally stronger than I have ever given myself credit for.
I am a good mother even when I don't feel like I am.
I like food more than I want to be skinny.
I am a procrastinator, I am disorganized and I am rarely ever on time.
I have a great marriage with my best friend which is a rare gem in this world.
I am a good wife.
I am not niave anymore.
I do not trust people unless they prove themselves trustworthy.
I am honest, caring and an over all good person.
I have terrible fashion sense.
I have more pride and confidence in my personality than my appearance.
I hate doing things wrong.
If I had boat loads of money, I would not donate it to charity...I would help people directly.
I like to dress as though I'm sporty, but am incredibly uncoordinated and unathletic.
I love to play the keyboard.
I am more confident singing infront of 1000 people than 1, it's less intense that way.
I don't like to hurt people and have a hard time understanding people who do.
I obsess over things.
I love chocolate, chinese food and starches.
I try hard not to take things forgranted, especially my family.
I am sensitive but won't show it.
I usually feel more comfortable being one of the boys than one of the girls.
I have a wierd sense of humor.
I am smarter and more talented than my resume makes me out to be.
I am digusted by injustice.
I do not like to be laughed at unless I am making a joke.
I love life.
I make a mean meatloaf.
I am a good mother even when I don't feel like I am.
I like food more than I want to be skinny.
I am a procrastinator, I am disorganized and I am rarely ever on time.
I have a great marriage with my best friend which is a rare gem in this world.
I am a good wife.
I am not niave anymore.
I do not trust people unless they prove themselves trustworthy.
I am honest, caring and an over all good person.
I have terrible fashion sense.
I have more pride and confidence in my personality than my appearance.
I hate doing things wrong.
If I had boat loads of money, I would not donate it to charity...I would help people directly.
I like to dress as though I'm sporty, but am incredibly uncoordinated and unathletic.
I love to play the keyboard.
I am more confident singing infront of 1000 people than 1, it's less intense that way.
I don't like to hurt people and have a hard time understanding people who do.
I obsess over things.
I love chocolate, chinese food and starches.
I try hard not to take things forgranted, especially my family.
I am sensitive but won't show it.
I usually feel more comfortable being one of the boys than one of the girls.
I have a wierd sense of humor.
I am smarter and more talented than my resume makes me out to be.
I am digusted by injustice.
I do not like to be laughed at unless I am making a joke.
I love life.
I make a mean meatloaf.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
I almost have my Christmas cards done. This is always a grand accomplishment.
I have a sore throat today and sound like a 12 year old boy.
Caden is in a very good mood today which in turn makes me in a very good mood. He is such a joy. Always laughing...He's at the point now where I don't carry him much anymore in the apartment. I just say, "Come on, let's go!" and he speedily crawls behind me everywhere I go. He's my body guard. I love my family so much that it's hard to breathe. Mmmmm. My boys are the best.
I think I may throw in the towel at Bath and Body Works. Jay's store hours have increased and so it's been hard finding someone to watch Caden during the evening parent change over...plus I don't see Jay somedays until 11:00pm and it's not worth it for 6.75 an hour. It was fun while it lasted but it's not worth the hassle. Plus even with my discount I would spend a full nights work on anything I bought there. As much as I love Brown Sugar and Fig body spray, I can't justify it.
I may try some waitressing in the New Year when Jay's hours go back to normal.
I HATE BLUETOOTH! Oh my gosh, it's impossible to tell who's insane anymore....everyone is talking to themselves nowadays! I'm not a huge fan of public cellphone talking anyway but I really find it hard to fight the urge to punch the bluetooth user.
I had some blood work done today. I've had some trouble with low blood pressure and fatigue. I'm not the kind of person who takes naps, but lately I can't seem to get through the day without one. My blood pressure yesterday was 95/55 which is low but not dangerously low. Hopefully we'll find out what's going on and correct it soon. It's no good being worn out with a crazy, active baby.
All in all I'm happy, blessed and thankful.
I do however have a prayer request.
When Jason and I went to "The Well" in Charlotte, I played in the worship team with a 26 year old guy named Marshall. Marshall is a talented musician and a quiet, gentle soul. We had alot of fun playing music together. Last month Marshall thought he might be coming down with something so he went to the Dr. They tested his blood thinking he may have mono only to discover that he has a severe case of Leukemia. He was immediatly admitted to the hopsital and is now undergoing his second round of Chemotherapy. I can't imagine my life changing that drastically from one moment to the next. As you would expect, his spirits are very down. Pray for him. He is an awesome guy.
Just when you think you have it rough....when you are so consumed with your own personal drama of not having life exactly the way you want it...think about people like Marshall and praise God for your health. That way his sickness serves some purpose for good...to turn people towards God in thankfulness and praise.
I have a sore throat today and sound like a 12 year old boy.
Caden is in a very good mood today which in turn makes me in a very good mood. He is such a joy. Always laughing...He's at the point now where I don't carry him much anymore in the apartment. I just say, "Come on, let's go!" and he speedily crawls behind me everywhere I go. He's my body guard. I love my family so much that it's hard to breathe. Mmmmm. My boys are the best.
I think I may throw in the towel at Bath and Body Works. Jay's store hours have increased and so it's been hard finding someone to watch Caden during the evening parent change over...plus I don't see Jay somedays until 11:00pm and it's not worth it for 6.75 an hour. It was fun while it lasted but it's not worth the hassle. Plus even with my discount I would spend a full nights work on anything I bought there. As much as I love Brown Sugar and Fig body spray, I can't justify it.
I may try some waitressing in the New Year when Jay's hours go back to normal.
I HATE BLUETOOTH! Oh my gosh, it's impossible to tell who's insane anymore....everyone is talking to themselves nowadays! I'm not a huge fan of public cellphone talking anyway but I really find it hard to fight the urge to punch the bluetooth user.
I had some blood work done today. I've had some trouble with low blood pressure and fatigue. I'm not the kind of person who takes naps, but lately I can't seem to get through the day without one. My blood pressure yesterday was 95/55 which is low but not dangerously low. Hopefully we'll find out what's going on and correct it soon. It's no good being worn out with a crazy, active baby.
All in all I'm happy, blessed and thankful.
I do however have a prayer request.
When Jason and I went to "The Well" in Charlotte, I played in the worship team with a 26 year old guy named Marshall. Marshall is a talented musician and a quiet, gentle soul. We had alot of fun playing music together. Last month Marshall thought he might be coming down with something so he went to the Dr. They tested his blood thinking he may have mono only to discover that he has a severe case of Leukemia. He was immediatly admitted to the hopsital and is now undergoing his second round of Chemotherapy. I can't imagine my life changing that drastically from one moment to the next. As you would expect, his spirits are very down. Pray for him. He is an awesome guy.
Just when you think you have it rough....when you are so consumed with your own personal drama of not having life exactly the way you want it...think about people like Marshall and praise God for your health. That way his sickness serves some purpose for good...to turn people towards God in thankfulness and praise.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
True Evangelism
I watched a documentary last night about a woman who use to be a stripper. After learning about Jesus and accepting him she changed her life and turned from her past. In her words, she became 'a judgemental Christian.' She was obsessed with distancing herself from sin. She would say, "This is a sin, and that is a sin and it's bad, bad, bad." She said that she was absolutly no fun to be around and wanted nothing to do with sinful places or people.
Her view dramatically changed on the day a stripper friend of hers past away. She had never taken the time to tell her about Jesus and now she had to live with the unsettling thought that she could be spending eternity seperated from God because she didn't hear the message of
Now this ex-stripper turned 'good girl' spends her evenings going to strip clubs and buying private lap dances....when the girls show up, she sits down with them and asks them if they believe in God and invites them to church. She doesn't tell them to turn from their evil ways, she doesn't say, "What you're doing is a sin and you need to stop." She just tells them that God loves them and if they want to learn more about that love they can call her and she'll bring them to church. She gives them a card with her personal number and the name of her church where she promises them they will feel welcomed.
The church that she attends funds her ministry.
She is a beautiful woman, and teamed up with a few of her friends she travels around with a van that has JC's girls, girls, girls written on the side of it. They set up tables in different locations handing out cd's that passers by assume is free pornography. Apparently they hand out hundreds every night. When people put the cd into their computers, a man appears and says, "You're probably wondering, 'where's my porn?' The truth is, there is no porn. But I would like to tell you about Jesus Christ." He goes on to tell them that God has something better for them, a love that won't cease.
The women said that when she was a stripper she was doing one of two things with every man she entertained. She was either feeding a dangerous addiction or bringing them personal destruction....now she believes she is doing the exact opposite.
After watching that documentary, I was filled with emotion. I've always been told to steer clear of places 'like that' unless of course I was handing out tracks and wearing something that made it perfectly clear that I wasn't one of them....heaven forbid we blend in with the 'sinners.'
As I watched the tear-stained face of a stripper, I saw Jesus.
She said that before she heard the message of Christ she thought there was no way there was a place in heaven for people like her... The question is, what are we doing to show the broken that Jesus is exactly for people like them?
Praise God for people like her. She made me want to be a better Christian.
Her view dramatically changed on the day a stripper friend of hers past away. She had never taken the time to tell her about Jesus and now she had to live with the unsettling thought that she could be spending eternity seperated from God because she didn't hear the message of
Now this ex-stripper turned 'good girl' spends her evenings going to strip clubs and buying private lap dances....when the girls show up, she sits down with them and asks them if they believe in God and invites them to church. She doesn't tell them to turn from their evil ways, she doesn't say, "What you're doing is a sin and you need to stop." She just tells them that God loves them and if they want to learn more about that love they can call her and she'll bring them to church. She gives them a card with her personal number and the name of her church where she promises them they will feel welcomed.
The church that she attends funds her ministry.
She is a beautiful woman, and teamed up with a few of her friends she travels around with a van that has JC's girls, girls, girls written on the side of it. They set up tables in different locations handing out cd's that passers by assume is free pornography. Apparently they hand out hundreds every night. When people put the cd into their computers, a man appears and says, "You're probably wondering, 'where's my porn?' The truth is, there is no porn. But I would like to tell you about Jesus Christ." He goes on to tell them that God has something better for them, a love that won't cease.
The women said that when she was a stripper she was doing one of two things with every man she entertained. She was either feeding a dangerous addiction or bringing them personal destruction....now she believes she is doing the exact opposite.
After watching that documentary, I was filled with emotion. I've always been told to steer clear of places 'like that' unless of course I was handing out tracks and wearing something that made it perfectly clear that I wasn't one of them....heaven forbid we blend in with the 'sinners.'
As I watched the tear-stained face of a stripper, I saw Jesus.
She said that before she heard the message of Christ she thought there was no way there was a place in heaven for people like her... The question is, what are we doing to show the broken that Jesus is exactly for people like them?
Praise God for people like her. She made me want to be a better Christian.
Friday, November 24, 2006
The Best Thanksgiving!
Yesterday was an awesome day. Jason's store was closed so he was able to take a stress-free day, not worrying about what might be going on at work while he was off. We got up in the morning, got ready and met our friends Micah and Abby. We set off on our journey to the town of Sopchoppy, Florida where Abby's parents church was hosting a Thanksgiving dinner. Micah and Jason rode their motorcycles and Abby, Micah's family, Caden and I drove behind.
The church was a little country church out in the middle of Wakulla County. It was a potluck meal with bluegrass playing on an old tape player in the back of the room. It was like a scene out of an old southern film. We ate the most awesome food and then went outside to run around and play football. It was the warmest day we've had in weeks. Absolutly gorgeous.
We then went back to Abby's parents house where we lounged around for a bit and everyone played with Caden. Then Abby watched Caden while I took my first ride on the back of our motorcycle. Jason and I cruised around the Florida countryside...it was alot of fun.
Then we went back to the house, did alot of front porch sitting, enjoying the view and the silence of the country....after that we had a big bonfire in the back yard with smoked oysters that we shucked (is that the right word??) ourselves and s'mores with all the church people.
I think it was the most relaxed we've been in a long time.
It was a really awesome day.
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
The church was a little country church out in the middle of Wakulla County. It was a potluck meal with bluegrass playing on an old tape player in the back of the room. It was like a scene out of an old southern film. We ate the most awesome food and then went outside to run around and play football. It was the warmest day we've had in weeks. Absolutly gorgeous.
We then went back to Abby's parents house where we lounged around for a bit and everyone played with Caden. Then Abby watched Caden while I took my first ride on the back of our motorcycle. Jason and I cruised around the Florida countryside...it was alot of fun.
Then we went back to the house, did alot of front porch sitting, enjoying the view and the silence of the country....after that we had a big bonfire in the back yard with smoked oysters that we shucked (is that the right word??) ourselves and s'mores with all the church people.
I think it was the most relaxed we've been in a long time.
It was a really awesome day.
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Working Woman
I got a seasonal job at Bath and Body Works in the mall across the street from our apartment.
Should be fun. At least it's a reason to wear a clean shirt.
I'm going to work nights after Jay gets home...we'll do the baby swap. Hopefully we'll still recognize eachother after Christmas....just kidding....it's not that bad. So far it's been very doable, plus it's only a seasonal thing so if we find it's not ideal we know it's coming to an end in February....but if it works out and I want to keep working after February, I'll find something else. It's an exciting new page...I haven't gotten paid to do anything in quite sometime so it'll be nice to contribute.
Caden is jumping in his jumperoo and is obviously getting quite tired so I am going to go put him down for a nap. My christmas present from my parents (a digital camera...WOOHOO!) will soon be here and I will post pictures more often then. Yay Digital Cameras!
Should be fun. At least it's a reason to wear a clean shirt.
I'm going to work nights after Jay gets home...we'll do the baby swap. Hopefully we'll still recognize eachother after Christmas....just kidding....it's not that bad. So far it's been very doable, plus it's only a seasonal thing so if we find it's not ideal we know it's coming to an end in February....but if it works out and I want to keep working after February, I'll find something else. It's an exciting new page...I haven't gotten paid to do anything in quite sometime so it'll be nice to contribute.
Caden is jumping in his jumperoo and is obviously getting quite tired so I am going to go put him down for a nap. My christmas present from my parents (a digital camera...WOOHOO!) will soon be here and I will post pictures more often then. Yay Digital Cameras!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Another first
I gave Caden his first haircut this morning. Anyone who has seen him knows that he had some crazy random long strands of hair...so now things are a little less comb-over-ish.
Another milestone for the baby book. Still don't have a camera but pictures will come soon.
Another milestone for the baby book. Still don't have a camera but pictures will come soon.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
This time last year
I often look back at my life from an annual perspective.
"Where was I this time last year? What was I doing? What was I feeling? How different was my life?"
This time last year I was probably facing and working through the greatest depression of my life. I was in a very dark place, one that I wasn't sure I would recover from...Praise Jesus for hearing those midnight prayers....
This time last year I was about 5 months pregnant and scared out of my mind. I had somehow convinced myself that I was alone in the universe...that there was no one to talk to...or at least there was no one I wanted to talk to. My future as I saw it was laced with doom.
I remember having my first panic attack. It was a bad time, a very bad time.
The year before that, November 2004, Jason and I were living in St. Catharines, ONT, Canada and had just received word that Jason's visa had been revoked, he was not legal to work or go to school in Canada and he had to be out of the country in 3 months. We were told upon entering Canada that he was completely legal and that his visa could not be taken away...so we signed a lease on an apartment, bought new furniture, visited my family in Newfoundland and then we get the phone call, "The Canadian government has decided that a Canadian can do this job just effectively as an american so...." you know the rest...
I remember one day we were walking down the street and crawled up underneath an overpass, sitting with pigeons and watching the cars drive by....we decided that would be a good spot to live when we were homeless. I know our friends and family would never have let that happen but those were still desperate, desperate times.
For some reason I have been haunted by the remains of 'this time last year and the year before' to the point that I am letting it effect my present. I'm no where near (not even maybe) to being as down as I was then, but I'm certainly not the picture of joy and positivity. My back pain is begining to wear on me....stresses are making my eyes twitch and my teeth grind....
The great thing about looking back at those desperate moments is seeing how God delivered us, faithfully every single time. In Canada we were told we would have to live in seperate countries for probably the next 2 years of our marriage..and it was as if God touched the shoulder of the immigration officer we were dealing with and they decided to make an exception for us...that's how we ended up in Tallahassee....
In Charlotte, God carried me through my darkest hours and in March my beautiful son was born...this also led us back to Tallahassee because this is exactly where God wants us to be with our Son.
So writing this and remembering back has given me hope...I'm excited for the miracles God is going to perform in our lives in the up and coming days...He is faithful, even when we're not. He will come through and blow us away with his amazingness just like he did this time last year...and the year before that...and the year before that.....
"Where was I this time last year? What was I doing? What was I feeling? How different was my life?"
This time last year I was probably facing and working through the greatest depression of my life. I was in a very dark place, one that I wasn't sure I would recover from...Praise Jesus for hearing those midnight prayers....
This time last year I was about 5 months pregnant and scared out of my mind. I had somehow convinced myself that I was alone in the universe...that there was no one to talk to...or at least there was no one I wanted to talk to. My future as I saw it was laced with doom.
I remember having my first panic attack. It was a bad time, a very bad time.
The year before that, November 2004, Jason and I were living in St. Catharines, ONT, Canada and had just received word that Jason's visa had been revoked, he was not legal to work or go to school in Canada and he had to be out of the country in 3 months. We were told upon entering Canada that he was completely legal and that his visa could not be taken away...so we signed a lease on an apartment, bought new furniture, visited my family in Newfoundland and then we get the phone call, "The Canadian government has decided that a Canadian can do this job just effectively as an american so...." you know the rest...
I remember one day we were walking down the street and crawled up underneath an overpass, sitting with pigeons and watching the cars drive by....we decided that would be a good spot to live when we were homeless. I know our friends and family would never have let that happen but those were still desperate, desperate times.
For some reason I have been haunted by the remains of 'this time last year and the year before' to the point that I am letting it effect my present. I'm no where near (not even maybe) to being as down as I was then, but I'm certainly not the picture of joy and positivity. My back pain is begining to wear on me....stresses are making my eyes twitch and my teeth grind....
The great thing about looking back at those desperate moments is seeing how God delivered us, faithfully every single time. In Canada we were told we would have to live in seperate countries for probably the next 2 years of our marriage..and it was as if God touched the shoulder of the immigration officer we were dealing with and they decided to make an exception for us...that's how we ended up in Tallahassee....
In Charlotte, God carried me through my darkest hours and in March my beautiful son was born...this also led us back to Tallahassee because this is exactly where God wants us to be with our Son.
So writing this and remembering back has given me hope...I'm excited for the miracles God is going to perform in our lives in the up and coming days...He is faithful, even when we're not. He will come through and blow us away with his amazingness just like he did this time last year...and the year before that...and the year before that.....
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
"C" is for cookie
So it turns out my spine is shaped similar to the letter C. I had some back x-rays yesterday because I was experiencing some pretty severe discomfort after my trip to Canada. I thought I had just overdone it carrying all of the luggage or something but it turns out I am pretty messed up.
I guess it all started during my pregnancy when I had a lot of pain in my right hip bone. I thought it was a pretty normal part of carrying a baby in the belly but it turns out that my right hip actually turned in a direction that it shouldn't, forcing my spine to curve like a "C" or a bow. This explains why during the birth of Caden it took 8 attempts to get the epidurel into my spine...because the guy was aiming in the middle and it was actually somewhere on the side.
On the xray there were many straight lines indicating where my bone structure should be and I pretty much took my own path. What can I say, I've always liked to go against the grain...
So I'm somewhat excited that I finally know why I feel like an old woman. I'm less depressed now about it because I know what's wrong with me and my chiropractor and I are working on fixing it. I'll be a brand new woman in no time!
It's pretty stinkin painful, so if everyone could pray for a speedy recovery, that would make for a much happier me.
In the mean time, for those of you at GC, if you're wondering why I am sitting on a stool during morning worship you now know why, and if I am not helping with set up and break down I am not just being lazy. Well maybe a little...but for the most part no.....:)
"C" is for cookie, that's good enough for me.
I guess it all started during my pregnancy when I had a lot of pain in my right hip bone. I thought it was a pretty normal part of carrying a baby in the belly but it turns out that my right hip actually turned in a direction that it shouldn't, forcing my spine to curve like a "C" or a bow. This explains why during the birth of Caden it took 8 attempts to get the epidurel into my spine...because the guy was aiming in the middle and it was actually somewhere on the side.
On the xray there were many straight lines indicating where my bone structure should be and I pretty much took my own path. What can I say, I've always liked to go against the grain...
So I'm somewhat excited that I finally know why I feel like an old woman. I'm less depressed now about it because I know what's wrong with me and my chiropractor and I are working on fixing it. I'll be a brand new woman in no time!
It's pretty stinkin painful, so if everyone could pray for a speedy recovery, that would make for a much happier me.
In the mean time, for those of you at GC, if you're wondering why I am sitting on a stool during morning worship you now know why, and if I am not helping with set up and break down I am not just being lazy. Well maybe a little...but for the most part no.....:)
"C" is for cookie, that's good enough for me.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Ladies and Gentlemen...the Bull you have all been waiting for....
Monday, October 30, 2006
He's into Everything!!!!
I waited in anticipation for the day Caden would crawl...he tried so long and hard to get it down, and now he is an unstopable force to be reckoned with! He's literally in to everything. Cords are his favorite....runner up would be the dog and dog food/water bowls. He is so fast now. He also stands up in his crib so I've had to lower the matress. When did this happen? When did my baby become a boy?
He is such a joy to be with. Everyday gets better, and more interesting. He says 'Mama' and 'dada' and knows his own name. When he's crawling towards something he should'nt I just call out to him and he comes. He is such a treasure.
I'll post Halloween pics soon. We hosted a Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza for our church where the kids got to dress up so I've got some priceless shots of him and his friend who has the same name as him just different spelling...Kaeden. Kaeden was a safari man....my Caden was a bull. Jason made sure I made reference to the fact that he is a bull and not a cow.
This is the first full day that I've been home in a really long time. I think I may stay in all day...or I may go to target and marshalls. We'll see what the day brings.
I questioned for a while whether or not I could be a stay-at-home parent but I am really enjoying it now. It's exhausting but it's very rewarding and freeing. I've become much more adjusted and have let go completely of wanting to have a 'title' or a position outside of wife and mother. I think my job is pretty darn important and I've decided to do the best I can at it. I also may have an 'in' to work two nights a week at the new coach purse store in the mall right across the street so that's exciting. Probably won't be til the new year but it's an option...just something to break up the week...where I have an excuse to wear something that's not only clean, but pretty.
Well, the little bull needs to go take a nap. I'll update soon.
He is such a joy to be with. Everyday gets better, and more interesting. He says 'Mama' and 'dada' and knows his own name. When he's crawling towards something he should'nt I just call out to him and he comes. He is such a treasure.
I'll post Halloween pics soon. We hosted a Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza for our church where the kids got to dress up so I've got some priceless shots of him and his friend who has the same name as him just different spelling...Kaeden. Kaeden was a safari man....my Caden was a bull. Jason made sure I made reference to the fact that he is a bull and not a cow.
This is the first full day that I've been home in a really long time. I think I may stay in all day...or I may go to target and marshalls. We'll see what the day brings.
I questioned for a while whether or not I could be a stay-at-home parent but I am really enjoying it now. It's exhausting but it's very rewarding and freeing. I've become much more adjusted and have let go completely of wanting to have a 'title' or a position outside of wife and mother. I think my job is pretty darn important and I've decided to do the best I can at it. I also may have an 'in' to work two nights a week at the new coach purse store in the mall right across the street so that's exciting. Probably won't be til the new year but it's an option...just something to break up the week...where I have an excuse to wear something that's not only clean, but pretty.
Well, the little bull needs to go take a nap. I'll update soon.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Update from The Great White North
Hello Everyone.
Newfoundland has been very good to Caden and I so far this week. We got in to St. John's on Monday the 9th and have been having beautiful weather and company ever since. I haven't really been cold yet, which is lovely.
I am so glad to be here in the fall. You don't really see fall in Florida and it's definitly something that I miss. The colours are amazing and the air is so crisp and clean. It is nice to be home.
I do however miss my husband greatly. Don't think I'll plan a month long trip away from him again any time soon but it's definitly given us a greater appreciation for eachother. He keeps me sain, I keep him clean. It's a great partnership.
Caden is crawling all over creation and has very much been appreciating his Newfoundland surroundings. He is also saying Mama and Dada and I think he's starting to grasp that Mama is me. For a while everything was Mama but we're starting to associate names with people now. He has become very mobile and is into everything and his fine motor skills are coming along nicely...he tries to pick up lint with his thumb and finger so now I have to be more serious about keeping the floor 'object free'. He's a Baby genious if I do say so myself.
My Mom has not stopped kissing him since we landed and he loves every minute of it. We had our first 'poop in the bath tub' experience last night which was very fun and exciting. I just figured I'd share because the majority of my friends would appreciate that.
On Monday I am going in town and leaving the little one out around the bay with 'Nanny.' I am excited to have some Don Cherry's wings....oh Don....it's been too long. I wouldn't mind going down town to experience some good ol' Irish music but we'll see what happens. I'm not as young as I use to be....
It was pretty cool to drive through an ocean front community with my son in the car while, "The Ol' black rum's gotta hold on me..." played on the radio. It's nice to have him here.
We went to church this morning where many an elderly person hugged and kissed on us. The thing I find most amazing when coming home is how big the kids get. People who were tiny children when I left are now teenagers and college students. The little boy down the road is now 6'3...I guess when you're not around a piece of you believes that time must stand still but it doesn't....it's crazy.
We have one more week left here then it's off to NY to see The Buchers (Jason's parents) and he will meet us there on the 24th.
My parents have been spoiling me rotten and I am taking advantage of it. No laundry, dishes, chores or early rises for me. Mom's got it covered. She is such a sweet little Nanny....
'Poppy' has been great with Caden too. No matter how old I get Dad will always say "Now Kathy, watch out for the moose" whenever I get in the car. It's funny that I can drive all over the United States eastern sea board but if I go to St. John's I have to be out before dark. Some things never change and I like it that way.
Newfoundland has been very good to Caden and I so far this week. We got in to St. John's on Monday the 9th and have been having beautiful weather and company ever since. I haven't really been cold yet, which is lovely.
I am so glad to be here in the fall. You don't really see fall in Florida and it's definitly something that I miss. The colours are amazing and the air is so crisp and clean. It is nice to be home.
I do however miss my husband greatly. Don't think I'll plan a month long trip away from him again any time soon but it's definitly given us a greater appreciation for eachother. He keeps me sain, I keep him clean. It's a great partnership.
Caden is crawling all over creation and has very much been appreciating his Newfoundland surroundings. He is also saying Mama and Dada and I think he's starting to grasp that Mama is me. For a while everything was Mama but we're starting to associate names with people now. He has become very mobile and is into everything and his fine motor skills are coming along nicely...he tries to pick up lint with his thumb and finger so now I have to be more serious about keeping the floor 'object free'. He's a Baby genious if I do say so myself.
My Mom has not stopped kissing him since we landed and he loves every minute of it. We had our first 'poop in the bath tub' experience last night which was very fun and exciting. I just figured I'd share because the majority of my friends would appreciate that.
On Monday I am going in town and leaving the little one out around the bay with 'Nanny.' I am excited to have some Don Cherry's wings....oh Don....it's been too long. I wouldn't mind going down town to experience some good ol' Irish music but we'll see what happens. I'm not as young as I use to be....
It was pretty cool to drive through an ocean front community with my son in the car while, "The Ol' black rum's gotta hold on me..." played on the radio. It's nice to have him here.
We went to church this morning where many an elderly person hugged and kissed on us. The thing I find most amazing when coming home is how big the kids get. People who were tiny children when I left are now teenagers and college students. The little boy down the road is now 6'3...I guess when you're not around a piece of you believes that time must stand still but it doesn't....it's crazy.
We have one more week left here then it's off to NY to see The Buchers (Jason's parents) and he will meet us there on the 24th.
My parents have been spoiling me rotten and I am taking advantage of it. No laundry, dishes, chores or early rises for me. Mom's got it covered. She is such a sweet little Nanny....
'Poppy' has been great with Caden too. No matter how old I get Dad will always say "Now Kathy, watch out for the moose" whenever I get in the car. It's funny that I can drive all over the United States eastern sea board but if I go to St. John's I have to be out before dark. Some things never change and I like it that way.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
My Itenerary
Got my Greencard. Greencard = Travel. YAY!
Here's my itenerary if anyone cares:
October 1st - Fly from Tallahassee to Charlotte
October 7th - Leave Charlotte and go to Denton to CWJ
October 9th - Leave CWJ and catch a plane out of Charlotte
October 9th - Arrive in St. John's, Newfoundland
October 23rd - Leave St. John's, Newfoundland and fly to Syracuse, NY
(Jason flies to NY on the 24th to meet us at his parents house)
October 26th - We all fly back to Tallahassee
Dang, I'm So nervous about flying alone with the baby. Please, please keep us in your prayers. To all you Newfs out there....pray against the fog!
Can't wait to go home. WOOHOO!
Here's my itenerary if anyone cares:
October 1st - Fly from Tallahassee to Charlotte
October 7th - Leave Charlotte and go to Denton to CWJ
October 9th - Leave CWJ and catch a plane out of Charlotte
October 9th - Arrive in St. John's, Newfoundland
October 23rd - Leave St. John's, Newfoundland and fly to Syracuse, NY
(Jason flies to NY on the 24th to meet us at his parents house)
October 26th - We all fly back to Tallahassee
Dang, I'm So nervous about flying alone with the baby. Please, please keep us in your prayers. To all you Newfs out there....pray against the fog!
Can't wait to go home. WOOHOO!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Good news
I, Kathy Stock, have been approved for my greencard! WAHOO!
It's not here yet but will be within weeks...not months....weeks!
This is a huge answer to prayer since my dad has not yet met Caden and being trapped in this process has left us unable to travel outside of the USA...As soon as I have that card in my hands I am set to go! Next flight out! I'm so excited. I haven't been home in a long,long, time. Well, since May 2005...that feels long to me.
On a different note, I went to my first football game ever last night. Florida State Univeristy VS Clemson. It was pretty fun. I understood the game a bit better but it's much more fun to watch in person then on TV. It was an exciting game....even though I was surrounded by alcohol and body odor, I still enjoyed shaved ice, funnel cake, a corn dog and a large diet coke. Mmmm, starches....
I am travelling to Charlotte, NC in less than 2 weeks! I get there on Oct 1 and leave Oct 9. I'll be staying with my fabulous friend Julia Osteig and her new baby girl, Ava Elizabeth. For everyone who prayed for them, thank you. She is a cutey patooty and I can't wait to love on her.
From Julie's I must find a way to CWJ for the long awaited union of Sarah and Jeff....so if there's anyone who wants to come to Charlotte on the 7th, pick us up, bring me and Caden to camp and then drive us back to the airport for 7am on the 9th please let me know! Also, if anyone with kids who is going to this wedding has a playpen I can borrow for the little one to sleep in while at camp, that would be awesome too.
I can't wait to see everyone. Caden will be my date because Jason can not leave work. I should have known better then to buy a black dress because my 'date' has a bit of a puking problem which will stain my dress with white spots, making me look like a cow...I can see it now...but we'll just pray against that.
Caden is getting cuter and cuter everyday. He likes to yell as loud as he can and then laugh at how loud he can be. This probably won't be acceptable during the vows but I'll quickly remove him if he feels like being a clown. He is the best though. So strong and happy. He has taught me more then I feel I could ever teach him. He has completely re-organized my priorities and turned my heart to mush. Mmmmm...he's the best.
Well that's all for now. Until next time, Adios!
It's not here yet but will be within weeks...not months....weeks!
This is a huge answer to prayer since my dad has not yet met Caden and being trapped in this process has left us unable to travel outside of the USA...As soon as I have that card in my hands I am set to go! Next flight out! I'm so excited. I haven't been home in a long,long, time. Well, since May 2005...that feels long to me.
On a different note, I went to my first football game ever last night. Florida State Univeristy VS Clemson. It was pretty fun. I understood the game a bit better but it's much more fun to watch in person then on TV. It was an exciting game....even though I was surrounded by alcohol and body odor, I still enjoyed shaved ice, funnel cake, a corn dog and a large diet coke. Mmmm, starches....
I am travelling to Charlotte, NC in less than 2 weeks! I get there on Oct 1 and leave Oct 9. I'll be staying with my fabulous friend Julia Osteig and her new baby girl, Ava Elizabeth. For everyone who prayed for them, thank you. She is a cutey patooty and I can't wait to love on her.
From Julie's I must find a way to CWJ for the long awaited union of Sarah and Jeff....so if there's anyone who wants to come to Charlotte on the 7th, pick us up, bring me and Caden to camp and then drive us back to the airport for 7am on the 9th please let me know! Also, if anyone with kids who is going to this wedding has a playpen I can borrow for the little one to sleep in while at camp, that would be awesome too.
I can't wait to see everyone. Caden will be my date because Jason can not leave work. I should have known better then to buy a black dress because my 'date' has a bit of a puking problem which will stain my dress with white spots, making me look like a cow...I can see it now...but we'll just pray against that.
Caden is getting cuter and cuter everyday. He likes to yell as loud as he can and then laugh at how loud he can be. This probably won't be acceptable during the vows but I'll quickly remove him if he feels like being a clown. He is the best though. So strong and happy. He has taught me more then I feel I could ever teach him. He has completely re-organized my priorities and turned my heart to mush. Mmmmm...he's the best.
Well that's all for now. Until next time, Adios!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
My Camera is broken, so excuse the messed up pics...focus on the cuteness!
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