Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"C" is for cookie

So it turns out my spine is shaped similar to the letter C. I had some back x-rays yesterday because I was experiencing some pretty severe discomfort after my trip to Canada. I thought I had just overdone it carrying all of the luggage or something but it turns out I am pretty messed up.
I guess it all started during my pregnancy when I had a lot of pain in my right hip bone. I thought it was a pretty normal part of carrying a baby in the belly but it turns out that my right hip actually turned in a direction that it shouldn't, forcing my spine to curve like a "C" or a bow. This explains why during the birth of Caden it took 8 attempts to get the epidurel into my spine...because the guy was aiming in the middle and it was actually somewhere on the side.
On the xray there were many straight lines indicating where my bone structure should be and I pretty much took my own path. What can I say, I've always liked to go against the grain...
So I'm somewhat excited that I finally know why I feel like an old woman. I'm less depressed now about it because I know what's wrong with me and my chiropractor and I are working on fixing it. I'll be a brand new woman in no time!
It's pretty stinkin painful, so if everyone could pray for a speedy recovery, that would make for a much happier me.
In the mean time, for those of you at GC, if you're wondering why I am sitting on a stool during morning worship you now know why, and if I am not helping with set up and break down I am not just being lazy. Well maybe a little...but for the most part no.....:)

"C" is for cookie, that's good enough for me.


The Secret of Happiness said...

That's pretty stinky...

Rebecca said...

Will be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

So that would explain all of your back discomfort since high school!!

Stephanie said...

Man, that's intense... I'm glad you know what's wrong with you now; and even more that they can do something to help you... maybe you should have been Kathy with a C.