Friday, January 16, 2009

The Story

About this time last year, I read the book, "Cure for the Common Life" by Max Lucado. At the end of the book, there is an evaluation that helps you determine your God-given gifts and abilities. Mine is always music, which I love. I praise God for that ability daily, but I was hoping for a revelation of sorts, outside of the obvious.
As I wrote out the exercises, I started to notice the theme was not only music, but writing! Writing was just as prevalent throughout my life.
It was around that time that I started hearing a common theme from friends, family and some blog readers I've never met:
"You should write a book!"
I always shrugged this off. What would I write about? I didn't even finish college, how I can write a book?
I began looking online for a magazine that I could write an article for. My thoughts are always so random and I'm not an expert on any subject, so I thought a magazine article would be much more up my alley then a book.
I looked and searched with no luck. I couldn't find anything that fit me.
A few months ago, I was chatting with my friend Julie one day about this very thing and I found myself saying, "The truth is, I'm going to write whether I get paid to or not."
The truth was out. I just like writing. I like it a lot. It does things for me. I walk through my life experiences and think often about what I can blog about. Pathetic? A little...but it's not the 'blogging' I love, it's the writing and relating to others.
That's the one thing I love most about leading worship too. The sounds of voices singing back at me. Nothing ushers me closer to heaven than that sound. Writing and having people read, enjoy and relate is the same experience. It makes me feel like I am right where God wants me to be, even if I am sitting in my cubicle, pretending to be an accountant.
Long story longer, after I got off my cell phone with Julie, I was standing outside of my office building with my hand on the door and I said aloud, "Father, if this is something you want me to do, you're going to have to show me a way to do it."
Within 48 hours, Kathy Pride, a public speaker and published Christian author found my blog and commented on my post. It was a prayer I had written, having nothing to do with my desire to write professionally, but she offered her services if I ever wanted to break into the Christian women's writing scene.
I was floored. It was the first time in a long time that something was clear. A direction was provided towards something I could do and be.
We began corresponding. I explained to her that she was an answer to prayer and she was humbled to know she had been used of God in that way. She told me she wanted to send me some books and when they arrived I was so overwhelmed with happiness at her desire to help me. She sent me A LOT of books. Reference guides, devotionals for mom's and writers...some of her own material (which is fantastic)...I am so thankful for her and I've never met her in person.
One of the books she has written is Soccer Moms' Devotions to Go and through that book I found the publishing company Extreme Diva Media. I thought long and hard about what I could write about, when I received the best piece of advice ever from my mom who said, "Just write about what you know."
Well, Caden is what I know. Toddlerhood is what I know. So I started there. I wrote out a plan, I wrote a few chapters and I wrote a query letter, explaining the book and what I'd like to do for the company, and sent it to EDM.
The CEO wrote me back immediately, requesting a formal proposal. I finished the proposal today and sent it via email this afternoon.
I can't even explain how excited I am about this. I am prepared for if they decide it's not right for them, but I am excited about this whole process, regardless. I'm excited that it's beginning and that I am learning new things. I am easily intimidated by what I don't know so this has been an eye opening experience and one I will take with me.
Suddenly thoughts have started flooding my head. Through a book, I could begin public speaking! I could collaborate a whole program that incorporates speaking, worship, and encouragement for down to earth, real, women and mothers. I could speak/sing at women's groups and conferences...I don't even know if I could be a public speaker but I can see it in my mind's eye...who knows!
The possibilities are limitless with what God can do...and whether it's from fasting or just a revelation, I'm not discouraged anymore about the house or my work or my future. I'm not panicked about my time away from Caden, although I miss him terribly. I think I'm trusting God...not only that, but I'm excited about what He's going to do because I have a feeling it's going to blow my mind.


Unknown said...

And now here I am visiting again! And continue to be humbled and amazed at how God answers prayers.
I subscribe to this tool called Google Alerts, so if any part of your name appears on the web it sends you that information once a day. Every once in a blue moon it is actually related to me!
I can't tell you how excited I am that you sent in your materials to JeanAnn. She is a delight and a hoot! I just love how God has orchestrated I can't wait to see what need to google Diva Celebration, this is the latest endeavor she is concocting based on just the most fun day ever I had with my author/speaker friend Connie. But it makes me think there is a role in this for you also with all your musical gifts.
Keep going! Keep writing!

The Secret of Happiness said...

I am so proud of you.

Dana said...

If anyone can do this, and do it well, it is you, my friend! So very, very proud of you, no matter what Extreme Diva Media says.

Anonymous said...

I hope everything works out for you. I love reading what you write. You do have a tremendous ability for writing. It's like you've been doing this for years. Good luck with everything.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you.

Did you know that mathematics (in your case accounting) is connected to music?

I heard about this connection years ago when my daughter was taking piano lessons from a person
(a child prodigy that played piano at a very early age).

Write! Keep a pad by your bed so that when the Lord wakes you up at night with a special word - you can quickly write it down.

Once that first book is written - I'll have soon have it on my bookshelf. I'm a book lover so you have one sold even before its printed!

This is going in my prayer journal for concentrated prayer until...


Micah Vandegrift said...

Here's hoping Kathy! Maybe it will be out in time for Abby to read it for our toddler!

jny said...

You're so cool. :D