Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 6

We've been on the Daniel Fast for 6 days and we are starting to see the benefits of eating naturally. Jay hasn't had to use his asthma inhaler since we started! If you know Jay, you know how often he relies on his inhaler throughout the day, so this alone is an awesome result. We've been loosing some weight and having more energy. I feel healthier than I have in a long time and have 0 sugar cravings in the evenings like I use to. I use to loathe water but drink gallons of it now without minding the lack of taste. Physically, it's been a fabulous thing, which makes me feel kind of bad because one of the points of spiritual fasting is self-denial and we feel better than ever before. We've also had to spend more time than we use to shopping for foods and prepping for meals. Checking labels and cooking from scratch takes up a lot of time so I don't feel as though we've had excess time to pray by cutting out foods. Quite the opposite.
The spiritual part of the fast, for me, has been the ability to commit to something before God and stick to it. I know it isn't much, but I believe that through doing this, and doing it to the letter, we are showing our Father that we can be trusted with little and faithful in the times when no one is watching. Also, because we feel better physically, we feel better all around and we've been much more positive in all we do, including prayer. I've been trying very hard to start each morning praising God for who He is and committing the day to Him. I have to catch myself from reminding Him about how badly we need to sell the house and how much I want to stay home with Caden again. When I realize I've gone there I usually apologize for berating him with those same requests over and over instead of just enjoying His presence.
It's difficult to be positive all the time...and it's difficult to have hope about selling this house when it seems like it's impossible...and selling the house = me staying home with Caden so that is sad too. Time keeps on ticking and he keeps getting older and older...but this fast has helped us to have clearer minds and a more positive outlook on what could happen. I'll admit that today I am digging deep to find that positive outlook because I am painfully aware of how hard it's going to be to move this property, but I'm cleaning and organizing in hopes of someone calling tonight for the first time in could happen...
Pastor Brian announced that he would like the church to partake in a 21 day fast starting on Sunday, January 11th through the 31st. The purpose is to focus on praying for our church's future and God's hand on our lives, our church, this city and His purpose for us. We're going to continue with our Daniel Fast until Jay's bday (19th) at which time that will end as planned, but starting tomorrow I am going to fast from something that takes up a whole lot more of my time than eating: Facebook.
I log into facebook at least 10 times a day and I think a lot more time than I even realize gets wasted there. So, every time I feel the urge to check out the FB I'll be reminded to pray.
I have changed my settings so that I won't get email notifications about anything fb related. I will be completely free of it for the rest of the month.
Now I must get back to prepping the house for buyers I haven't heard from yet :)

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