Friday, January 23, 2009

Bathroom Break Through

Last night at around 6:48, I noticed I had a missed call on my cell phone. I checked my voicemail and it was the CEO of the publishing company where I had sent my proposal. AH! Why can I never remember to turn my phone off of silent after work!?!
Let me just say that my bathroom as become a very important room in my house when it comes to my employment and my future. I had my phone interview for Datamaxx in my bathroom because I was home alone with Caden and he had not yet fallen asleep. He sat in his high chair with some crackers watching Mickey Mouse while I landed my first job in two years, sitting in an Indian style on the cover of my toilet seat.
Last night, Caden was being his rambunctious self, so I asked Jay to occupy him while I, once again, proceeded to the bathroom to make a very important call.
Luckily, she picked up. After a few minutes I could tell that she and I have very similar views on things...on reaching out to non-Christian women and letting them know that God is there for them, always, even on the days when being a mom is not such a glorious position.
We talked about the book. She said she liked it a lot, she liked the realness of it and she gave me a few tips on how to make it complete. I loved her ideas and am going to start working on them ASAP.
We talked for about 15-20 minutes and I nervously paced the bathroom tile in hopes that I would have some confirmation as to whether or not this was going to happen. Either way, I was delighted to have gotten this far and to have learned so much.
As she wrapped things up, she said she loved the concept and would be sending me a contract in a couple of weeks!
Needless to say, I'm freaking out with excitement! If you had told me 3 months ago that this would be happening I would have laughed in your face.
This entire experience is proof of a God who hears and answers prayer. I prayed for a means and God made a way. He moved in the life of a woman I've never met to answer my prayer and bring me to this place, less than 48 hours after I prayed it. I searched for a way to write magazine articles and God gave me a book deal...He is so much bigger than my futile thinking.
I was telling Jay last night that I truly believe this is our year. We're motivated in every area, looking for the perfect fits, getting in shape, reading God's word, making things happen for ourselves...I am so excited! I want to run through the halls of work shouting, 'WAHHHHHHH' but I assume that would be frowned upon.
Thank you, ALL of you, who take the time to read my ramblings and encourage me to do bigger and better things. If it wasn't for your affirmation, I wouldn't have pursued this. I'll keep you posted!


The Secret of Happiness said...

I am so proud of you!!!

This is going to be an amazing book and I want to put my order in now for a signed copy.

(oh, and of course to book a personal interview with the author)

Papa Sound said...

Awesome! Barbara and I love your writings. This is going to be great - shoot, it already is!

Anonymous said...

Mark me down for a couple of copies...WHOO HOO...Way to go, Sis!!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! Congratualtions Kathy - very proud of you!

Anonymous said...

I want a case I will go to every Home League meeting in NFLD. if I have to. We are so proud of you even without this.

Anonymous said...

Dad and I are in your court We knew you could do this

sarah jewett clarke said...

that is so incredible - i am so proud of you for going for it!

realizing our dreams....thanks for the reminder and encouragement that it is possible!

i love you!

The Secret of Happiness said...

Tell Des you want a website...

abby lee v said... are awesome, God is awesome, your life is awesome, dang man ow does it feel to be so awesome??

Dana said...

Where do I get in line for my autographed copy?!!!! Congrats!

Amy Fitz said... cool is that?! Can't wait to see what you are writing. :)

jny said...