Thursday, January 15, 2009


Thanks Friends! I have had so much going on lately that I wasn't sure if pouring into the blog was something I should continue doing or not. But I love to write...I almost need to....and I love that you're tuning in to live life with me.
Here's the latest:
Work has actually been pretty busy, which is nice. It's good to be busy because it makes the day go much faster. Speaking of 'fast' er...I wish this fast was over! My positive attitude about how great I feel is long gone. I'm happy to have lost a few pounds, but now I'm bored of rice, beans and water...very much looking forward to Monday.
Speaking of's Jay's birthday! He'll be the big 3-1. He is now, officially, in his dirty thirties. I have MANY years until I have to know what that feels like, and I remind him of this on a somewhat regular basis.
Speaking of regular....Jay and I will be beginning a regular, daily fitness routine for the next 3 months called P90X. He ordered the DVD set for his birthday (I guess when you're thirty you get to buy yourself presents?) and we're starting it on Tuesday. We're hoping to be super fit by April. I'm so out of shape, I'll probably end up in hospital.
Speaking of hospitals...I need to have all four of my wisdom teeth removed. No fun. I have my consult in March, and then I probably won't even get an appointment for surgery until late spring...I am not looking forward to it.
Speaking of 'forwards'...I am working on my book! I found a great publishing company that produces devotional books for mothers and I sent them a query letter (basically, an outline of a book I'd like to write for them). They wrote me back the same day and requesting a formal proposal! I'm working on the proposal now. I'm so excited about this process. I hope something comes of it, but even if I don't nail a contract on my first try, I'm learning so much about getting my foot in the door.
Speaking of door...nah, I got nothing for that one.
Caden is full of energy, cracking us up and testing our patience, as usual. He is a great kid and I love the mess out of him. He is very much enjoying Ms. Stacy's 3 year old room and has adjusted quickly to being the littlest one in the class. I love that we have conversations on the ride home from school now.
He is still obsessed with Mickey Mouse, animals, dinosaurs, Christmas music and drumming.
Speaking of drumming....I got my bangs cut. Ok, that was a bad one.
Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

haha- awesome post - love you guys

when you mentioned regular...I thought you were going to say you and Jay were regular now because of the's just something I could see you saying...

miss you guys and make sure to give the little one a squeeze from Trice and I.


Kathy said...

Ya know what, I was totally going to go there...but thought I'd keep it G. Haha.

Dana said...

yay on your book! So exciting!

Anonymous said...

sooooo happy for your book!!!! I cannot wait to buy it and show people your name on it and say, "I KNOW HER!" haha

Anonymous said...

I sent the last comment... I couldn't get it to change to the link for my name...