Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Change of Plans

I will not be at the coffee pub today. Chai tea will have to wait until tomorrow. Caden still isn't feeling 100% so I decided to keep him home again today. He's still his jolly self, running all over the house and jumping on the couch, but his eyes have dark circles and every now and then he'll say, "Caden's sick. I go night night."
Then he'll grab his pillow and blanket, drag them to the couch and take a little rest. He's eating well though and certainly isn't very ill at all. Just enough to earn a free pass to stay at home.
Today will be another great day of playing, cleaning, resting and enjoying the company of my sweet little man. This stay-at-home experience is so much different than the first two years I spent at home because now Jay comes home between 4 and 5 instead of between 8-9. Those were long, lonely days...but now, I feel like he's home as soon as Caden wakes up from his nap and it's fantastic.
Pray for my husband. For joy, health, direction and revitalizing energy. He's an amazing person. He hurt his knee last night doing P90X and is pretty bummed that he's going to have to rest it for a while because he was just starting to see results. Limping, missing his motorcycle and searching for God's direction, he could really use some intercessory prayer. Thanks friends!

1 comment:

angwat said...

I think P90x is taking over the world...

tell him to remember: RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) - for a more extensive physical therapy evaluation, contact me directly :) love you Kathy, congrats on everything, I can't wait to read the book!!!