Tuesday, September 16, 2008


My friend Amber who works at the fabulous daycare Caden is attending today, had the privilege of being in the 2 year old room this morning and was able to observe Caden on his 'trial' day. The verdict: He's been doing great! According to her he has already learned a lot of the kids names and is one of the more verbal kids in the class. He has been saying 'Pwease' all day and listening to his teachers. He didn't fuss when Jay left and after nap this afternoon he will be hanging out in the 3 year old room to see if he would be better suited being with more verbal kids.
Crazy to think Caden is the chatty one...it took him a long time to start but now that he's started, he doesn't shut up! I love it. He has the cutest little voice...
Anyways, I'm super dooper proud of him. He is a good ambassador of the Stock house while away from Mommy and Daddy and he is going to get a special treat when picked up from school today...perhaps ice cream...because when Caden gets a treat, Mommy gets a treat too :)
All in all I am overwhelmingly blessed to have great friends and God's hand in my life, being the ultimate Father for me and my family.
Thanks to all for your prayers...they didn't fall on deaf ears!
We'll know more today about whether or not he's in full-time starting in October. We're hopeful and certain that whatever happens, it will be for the best.
I love having peace in my belly.

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