Caden has become a very talkative kid. He was slow to start, but we're starting to think that was by choice and nothing else.
He repeats and can say just about everything we do...sometimes it's in his dialect, but for the most part you can pick it out after a few attempts.
He does however still refers to Mickey Mouse as,'i-i-ice'. We often have this conversation:
me: "Can you say Mickey?"
Caden: "MICKEY!"
me: "Can you say Mouse?"
Caden: "Mouse!"
me: "Can you say Mickey Mouse?"
Caden: "I-I-ICE!"
One day he did say 'Mickey Mou' and my heart sank a little...I realized that the day he stops saying 'I-I-Ice' will be a very sad day for me...I have come to love those words and the little voice that says them, and I am painfully aware that my little boy gets less 'little' everyday. So now that I am affirmed that there is nothing wrong with my little boys speech, I am in no rush to say good-bye to 'I-I-Ice' just yet.
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