Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Being healthy is not something to take for granted. I feel like at some point or another someone in my family is ALWAYS sick. When it's not Caden, it's me. When it's not me, it's Jason. Round and round it goes...I want off this ride!
Since returning from Canada, my lungs have no adjusted well to the poor air quality of Tallahassee. I've had some subtle chest congestion for a few days...Caden started with a fever Saturday night which ended up filtering out of his system by Sunday. Sunday afternoon I began not feeling well at all...Monday morning my head was killing me and I started throwing up. Meanwhile, Jay had been up all night sneezing and wheezing because his lungs have not been able to handle this summer air either. Caden always has a cough or a runny nose. UGH! We're going broke on Claritin and tissues.
With nothing open and knowing I had a sinus infection, Jay found child care for Caden, dropped me off at the emergency room and headed to work. A Dr. talked to me for 30 seconds and charged me $100.00 and I got some prescriptions for the infection and nausea. I called Jay to come get me while he was in the midst of his Labor Day Sale and he said he'd be right there. 30 minutes later, his employee, Josh, showed up at the ER to bring me back to the store. Poor Jay was trying to balance so much while running on only a few hours of sleep.
I sat in the back room of Jay's store and finally called Micah V who told me I could crash in his spare room. So I managed to drive myself over there and collapsed into Micah and Abby's spare bed where I died until 4 when Jay called and said he would close the store early to take me home. We got Caden and headed home. I got in bed at 5pm and only sat up long enough to take my medicine...then I slept till 6am the next morning.
Today I am feeling alot better, though I am staying home to regain some strength and strengthen my immune system a little bit. I felt bad having Caden go to school while I'm home but I think he'll have a better day with his friends than with his sick mother. I have yet to eat anything out of fear but I think I may go have a slice of toast and some tea without milk or sugar. Don't be jealous.

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