Friday, September 05, 2008

All Have Sinned and Fall Short of the Glory of God

I find myself saddened by recent news concerning powerful men of Christ falling into dark and desperate places. For the past 2 years, Mike Guglielmucci who pastors within the Edge Church in Australia, has been preaching and writing/leading powerful worship music, all the while battling cancer.
Recently, he has confessed that he's never actually had cancer. The whole thing was a lie, created to cover up his true illness. An addiction to adult pornography.
Supporters and believers were completely stunned when the truth came out. Those who had seen him perform and preach, saw a sickly man attached to oxygen with no hair or eyebrows. People had been greatly moved by what appeared to be a dying man with undying faith. They donated money and prayed endlessly for his 'cancer' to be healed. Mike finally got to the point where his lies were catching up with him and he couldn't live with the guilt of them. He came clean to his family, his parents and his wife...all of whom were deceived by his story and his acting. His father (the founder of the church) broke the news to the congregation and people were completely shocked. It's an incredibly sad story.
Then there's Todd Bentley. Jay and I had spent many evenings in front of our computer, watching the powerful revival in Lakeland, FL with Todd Bentley. Todd is an evangelist from Canada who at one time was heavily addicted to drugs but overcame his addictions through Christ and became known quickly as a powerful leader in the Christian community. There have been many who passionately followed Bentley's ministry...and many who have called him a radical heretic. We fell somewhere in the middle. Regardless of what side you fell on, it was shocking and upsetting to hear about his divorce. A divorce that is coming about due to an 'inappropriate emotional relationship with a member of his female staff'.
After hearing both of these stories my heart was immediately troubled for not only the families and supporters of these men but for the Christian faith in general. Those who do not know or understand the passage from Romans 3:23, expect men and women of God who represent the faith to be representatives of holiness and spiritual perfection. For those of us who understand Christ's love in the midst of our own humanity, we know that these men are no better or worse than ourselves. We've all screwed up in some way, shape or's just that most of us are lucky not to have a camera in our face when it happens.
It is however a shame that injustice is done to the name of Christ through our shortcomings...that through our failings we drag the name of God down with us in the eyes of the world...and the media can't wait to jump on a juicy story about a famous Christian who has a life filled with scandal.
Although I understand and empathize with these men because I mess up too, I still have some anger in my heart towards them. I can't imagine my husband or my son putting me through 2 years of hell, thinking they were suffering and dying from a terrible disease. I can't imagine my husband walking away from me because someone newer and more interesting came along.
Marriage has become a joke in the public eye, and Christian celebrities are no exception. No wonder so many people have decided to skip the legalities and 'redefine marriage for themselves'....we haven't done a very good job of making it seem very appealing...which is completely opposite of God's design for it.
I guess the best way to handle this is to pray. Pray for them, for those they've hurt, for those whose hearts have become hardened to the message after being deceived by these men and others like them and for a world that desperately needs Christ.
"All Have Sinned and Fall Short of the Glory of God" Romans 3:23

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