Thursday, January 03, 2008

The time has come the walrus said...

I can never remember the rest of that rhyme.
The time HAS just about come for Caden to start going to baby school. I wasn't exactly sure when I was going to start putting Caden in baby school, but I think there's no better time than the present. He needs to start socializing with other kids...he needs to know that he can survive without me...i need to know that he can survive without me :) It is the right decision.
I know this is going to be a hard adjustment for both of us. Caden is a very emotional and temperamental child. He has been use to things his way ever since he was born. His house, his bed, his chair, his toys...not having to share or get use to new places or new things. We stopped in to check out a daycare today that is beautifully kept, very organized and really the perfect fit from what I can see. Great price and great location. I tried to get Caden to go into the 2 year old room and play with the other kids. This lasted 30 seconds (if that) ending with him screaming and the other children gathering around him, wondering what his deal was.
This is the first of many uncomfortable situations my child is going to have to face in order to become a better, more well-adjusted person. It doesn't make it any easier.
I envision him crying the entire day...maybe to the point of throwing up. I envision it being really hard on the people that work there and potentially on the other kids. I envision him being a challenging child in the beginning...which leads to me envisioning myself being embarrassed. Needless to say my visions are not happy ones...but I know he'll be better for it in the long run. I want him to go one or two days a week, and then increase that amount if I can find a part-time job that will work for us. That's the plan. Plans sometimes have a way of changing but that's where my head is right now.
Any encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
Please click the comment button below to leave words of wisdom.


Micah Vandegrift said...

He will learn a lot and so will you.

Anonymous said...

I love you guys

Dana said...

like you said, he WILL be ok. It might take some time but I think that he'll start to look forward to it.

The Secret of Happiness said...

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."

It's from Alice in Wonderland. I couldn't remember the rest of it either I had to look it up.

I think your decision to put your son in daycare is a brave decision. I was reading today about "conscious parenting" and they were talking about knowing the parent you want to be and making decisions to be that parent. I know you want to be a parent who encourages your child to take risks, embrace new experiences, and never be afraid to grow even if it means a little hurt in the process.
By taking time for yourself and giving Caden his own time, your time together will be wonderful.

The Secret of Happiness said...

One more thing...I get paid to spend just 50 hours a week with 2 kids. And I crave and cherish the 2 days off because I need it and THEY need me to have that time for myself.

Stephanie said...

You are making the right decision... it may take him a little bit to adjust, but that's okay... it's good that you are getting him used to other people, things, etc. now before he gets older and it becomes even more difficult... I am sure he will really like it once he sees that things aren't going to change and that he will just need to get used to it... he may even surprise you and love it his first day! But don't feel guilty if he has a rough day or two... stay confident in your decision... because knowing you, I know it is a decision in which God played a big part... good luck, and let us all know how it goes!