Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Terrible Twos

My son has turned into a little savage monkey...otherwise known as a toddler.
The tantrums are endless..and pointless. The two worst are when the throw pillows won't stack and when he can't get the cottonballs back into the ziplock bag he took them out of. Two things totally worth loosing ones religion over (insert sarcasm).
He is precious. I love him. He makes me laugh much more than he makes me cry.
This too shall pass.


The Secret of Happiness said...

I'm reading an interesting book called The Happiest Toddler On the Block. In it, they talk about how a technique you can use when a kid throws a tantrum over something as earth shattering as throw pillow towers is to mimic what they are doing. They talk about how your toddler needs to know you understand how they are feeling. So you mimic what they are doing and say something like, "you're ANGRY, you're ANGRY at the pillows! You are ANGRY!"
So I tried it today with G, I felt like an idiot, but it worked!

Kathy said...

Hey...i'd rather feel like an idiot than a burnt out zombie so I'll try it!
I should get that book.