Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Dog is Sleepy

She is unable to sleep because I am sitting on the couch, where she normally stretches out. I am once again awake while the rest of the world sleeps...why can't I just go to sleep when I'm tired? I've been working hard all day. Cleaning, playing, cooking, tickling, spinning and dancing in an effort to make a toddler laugh...When Caden went to bed I collapsed on the couch completely exhausted...i watched a little tv, got on my pjs, lay in bed and now i'm back on the couch.
I've always been a night person. For some reason I have to stay up and completely exhaust myself mentally before I can go to sleep. There are just too many thoughts swirling around in my head to shut down rapidly. It's a process for me.
My husband can shut down in about 2 minutes. He can literally go from awake and talking to a solid REM sleep in 120 seconds. It's irritating to say the least.
I don't necessarily stress about anything in particular...I don't always think about anything life changing or deep...I just think. About people, places and things. Apparantly I think about nouns. Nouns stop me from sleeping.
Nouns also stop Dakota from sleeping...because the computer and I are interfering with her precious doggy slumber. Poor Dakota.
I brought her to get shaved today and totally forgot to pick her up. Luckily I remembered 10 minutes after the groomers closed and they very kindly stayed open till I got there. I just made dog lovers everywhere cringe. I use to be a good doggy mother...than I became a human mother and my life has been one scatter brained episode after another ever since.
So I'm seriously considering doing some freelance writing...i'll be sure not to do so at this hour because my thoughts come out very jumbled and uninteresting. We'll see what happens.
Alright...I'll let Dakota sleep now.
Night, Night.


Paula said...

I can completely identify with you on this one. Wayne can go to sleep at the snap of a finger but I think too much also. It is so frustrating especially on the days you just know you are so exhausted but cannot go to sleep. Finally, someone who I can identify with and can identify with me.....LOL!

Stephanie said...

Dang... Tilden is the same way... I can be talking to him, and 30 seconds later, he is asleep (now that I know this, I no longer talk of anything important when he is laying in bed)...

You should totally do the free lance writer thing... I was looking online for stay-at-home mom jobs, and saw many writing jobs... you can work your own hours (even if it is midnight) when you want, and still make a little income...

That's pretty funny that you left your dog at the groomers... poor doggie... and not only that, but even after you traumatize her, you go and steal her bed too! :)