Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Part 2

I dropped Caden off today for his second day of 'baby school'.
He kept saying "School?" all morning in anticipation. He seemed great right up until I walked away...then he went ballistic...but I feel much better this time than last. Before, I cried non-stop and felt like a huge jerk. Today, I have not yet cried and only feel like a little bit of a jerk. Huge improvement.
Caden has been repeating us a lot and wanting to know the names of everything. He also calls Jay and I, 'Mama' and 'Dada' but in a french type of 'MeMA!'....I can't get the hilarity across in a blog entry but it's pretty funny. I'm not sure why he does it, but he does it, consistently. Makes us laugh alot.
I am always searching for a way to have 'me time' but when I get it I have no idea what to do with it. I feel like I should be chasing someone, wipping a nose or whispering, 'Stop yelling or you're going in time out!' Into a little ear a public place...but I'm trying to enjoy the sights, sounds, smells and quaintness of my new favourite place, The Coffee Pub. I may go see a dollar movie if there is anything good playing. Who knows! I certainly don't. I think I need to find a good book to read...I usually don't get an opportunity to read but now I have all the time in the world. Or at least 6 hours a week.
I have been a touch homesick lately. I think I'll always have a tinge of homesickness...a longing for the beauty and simplicity of the land from whence I came...but lately I've been itching to get back see the mountainous cliffs and enjoy the company of my family in a town with no traffic lights, no walmart, no fast food chains, no distractions...where a moose could potentially greet you in your driveway and where the wind cuts through your face like a knife...well, I miss everything except the weather.
Perhaps this is just me getting anxious about the fact that my mother and sister are coming to visit within the next 2 months. Perhaps it is from the Irish store that jay and I went into in St. Augustine, where celtic ballads were blasting over the stereo reminding me of home.
Either way I miss Newfoundland today. I miss her everyday, but today a little more than yesterday.


Anonymous said...

i got some books for you to read if you'd like.

Kathy said...

yes please. and i will return them when i'm done.

Anonymous said...

um, moose arent good things. But i miss you here.
love Jacqueline

Anonymous said...

Kathy - frankly, I'm concerned. Not about your girly feelings about missing the whales in Canada or desperately wanting to hear someone mispronounce the word 'out'. No. It's the French thing. As an Englishmen I must warn you that if Caden carries on with his newly found embarassing accent it won't stop until he's riding a bicycle and smelling of garlic. Tell him to cut it out.