Monday, December 31, 2007

Super Great 2008

Here's to hoping for a 'great' 2008.
Last year was pretty fantastic and this year is bound to be even 'great'er....simply because 'great' rhymes with '2008' and i like saying it all the time to be corny.
This year I will (in no particular order):
- Loose at least another 10 pounds (preferably before summer) and tone up my non-existent muscles.
- Spend more time with God and less time just thinking about doing it.
- I will see my sister. I haven't seen her in two years, she hasn't seen Caden since he was 6 weeks old...and now that she is with embryo (that's right! I'm going to be an Aunt!) I WILL see her sometime this year. That's a promise. We will also go to Newfoundland sometime this year. If everything goes as planned I will have my mom in March, my sister in April, we'll go home in May and I'll go to Alberta with my Mom in August to see 'embryo' when he or she is a full grown baby. I'm very excited about a year full of family visits.
- My husband and I will do something nice for our 5 year anniversary.
- I will stress less and laugh more.
- I will slowly release the overprotective grasp that I have on my little man and will enroll him in 'baby school' one day a week. This is a big one but I think we both need the time away from each other and he needs to spend time with kids instead of me and animals.
- I will find some way to earn extra money. I may get a part-time job if 'baby school' turns out to be a good thing...we'll see what happens.
- I will spend more time playing, singing and writing music.
- I will try and get up before the baby so I can have a productive start to the morning...but I know this one is not going to happen. :)
- I will be a better wife, mother, friend and overall person. There are many areas I can improve on. Too many to list here..but I should be more fun to be around this coming year.

Unlike alot of people, i like getting older. I'm sure I'll change my mind when I am no longer in my early 20's, but I like learning and growing and changing. All of which can't happen without the passage of time. I've learned so much these past few years. That life isn't as black and white as I always thought it was. That people are in great part a product of their parents and if you can find out how someone was raised, you can be much more understanding and patient with them. I've learned how hard it is to be a mom...and have gained a brand new appreciation for my own. I've learned that my little boy is very different from the little girl I use to be. He's CRAZY! Haha.
I'm learning how to trust people without being to be smarter in to let my guard down without hurting myself. Life is a complicated animal. I'm learning that family and friendship is one of God's greatest gifts..that his commandment for us to love each other second only to Him is exactly how we're built to operate. People need God. People need people. Friendship, or lack of it, can make or break a person a persons spirit.
I'm learning to forgive because I don't want to become a bitter person...bitter people are some of the saddest I've ever met. I want to be someone who breathes positivity and energy into others.
I've learned that the telemarketer who is telling me I didn't pay my mortgage when I actually did isn't the one I should be annoyed with. She is just doing her job. Same with the cell phone guy, the power company, and anyone else I deal with during annoying times in my life. Just because people make mistakes doesn't make them stupid or incompetent. It makes them human. I don't want to bring people down to make myself feel important or empowered. No one wins that way.
I've learned that marrying my best friend was the best decision I've ever made...even when we want to ring each others necks.
I've learned that Minneapolis is not pronounced 'MinneANapolis' like I've been calling it my entire life.
So many lessons. I'm thankful that God has given me a heart and mind that is receptive to growth and change...although I do get quite defensive from time to time when someone tries to show me something 'I already know.' I'll start working on that too.
Happy New Year.
May 2008 bring you new discoveries about yourself and the world around you. May you start and finish many books...may you discover beautiful new music and scenery...may you meet many new friends...may you love your God, your family and your friend's more than you ever have before.
See you next year!

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