So we looked for the Christmas tree farm where you cut your own tree. By the time we found it, it was 7pm and the farm closed at 6pm. Then our adventure brought us to Winn Dixie where the boy scouts were suppose to be selling trees but alas, there was no boy scout to be found. The entire time we searched, Caden screamed like a banshee in the back seat...he's been spending alot of time in the car lately and I think he had his fill of being strapped in. This video is in between the Christmas tree farm disappointment and the future Winn Dixie disappointment.
Here are the fun pics we took before our eventful evening.
Then we came home, treeless.
Last night I went into town to pick Jay up from work and we went to the Walmart on Apalachee where the tree selection was steller! We found another cheap but beautiful Stock Family tree, costing only 14 bucks this year. Still not as good a deal as the 7 foot, 5 dollar tree of Christmas 2005, but a nice tree none-the-less.
We brought the tree home and began trying to set it up when 20 minutes later we noticed that the front door was wide open. Mocha (our smallest kitty) was in the driveway and Sampson (our big, black kitty) was nowhere to be found. Mocha ran right back inside once she was caught red-pawed but Sammy was long gone. We called for him and walked up and down the lot and the street. About 20 minutes later it set in that my favourite animal (shhh, don't tell the others!) was gone. I began to cry. Jay went into 'must find my wife's cat' mode and went outside with a lighter (cause we don't have a flashlight) and a can of tuna. In hindsight, funny picture.
After about 30 minutes I was convinced my kitty was gone, but then I heard Jay yell, "AH-HA!" from the backyard and he came in through the back door with a big, black cat craddled in his arms. I squeezed Sammy and hugged him until his little kitty eyes popped out of his head.
After all the drama we had a nice night of decorating the tree, making Christmas cookies and drinking hot chocolate.
I publically apologize to my mother and anyone else who is disturbed by the fact that we put bobble head Mr. T. at the top of our tree. God doesn't care what we put on our tree as long as we remember what Christmas is I think he has a sense of humour.
Mom, if I ever get home to Green's Harbour for Christmas, I hope you will make a place for Mr. T. on the mantle's Christmas know you love him. ;)
Loves it. Caden's hair is very cute. I am also a huge fan of the Mr. T tree topper. But you know what would be better....Junior Mints OF COURSE!!!
Such a cute story, and loved the video! :-)
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