Saturday, December 29, 2007


For 2007 I resolved to loose weight, manage money more adequately, and not move unless we bought a house.
Well, I've lost 20 pounds, we bought and moved into our first house back in April but techinically, we've been in the same general area for 1.5 years and I guess I've done a bit better with money. Having a mortgage back in 2006 would not have been possible but we cracked down, made it work and are still standing so I'll go ahead and check 'manage money better' off of the list.
Yay for accomplishments.
Now to narrow my mental list of 1000 resolutions for 2008 to a blog-able list of no more than 10...
I'll get back to you before next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my resolution is to find a job and a hot date in 2008