Thursday, May 01, 2008


My wisdom teeth are viciously attacking my face. Thankfully, 3 ibuprofin seem to knock out the pain for several hours or until I eat something. Someday I'll have dental insurance.
Until then, ibuprofin it is!
Jay started last night with a fever just after a terrible ordeal with the motorcycle not starting. His fever kept climbing and has been super dooper high ever since. He has been throwing up alot too...poor monkey.
I feel as though ever since Caden started in daycare, one of us is ALWAYS ill. Even if Caden doesn't get sick, he's like a dirty little carrier of sickness.
Jay usually puts Caden to bed and of course, he goes straight to sleep...tonight I put Caden to bed and he kicks the wall, jumps up and down, yells, plays and doesn't sleep for 2 hours after lights out...
And I am about to take my throbbing face and my tired self to the playroom where I will sleep on the futon...far from illness...with Mickey to my right and a stuffed Canada goose to my left.

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