Monday, May 05, 2008

"Quack, Quack?"

Everytime we get situated into the car Caden says, "Quack, Quack?" which means, "Can you please turn on the song that says 'but the one little duck with the feather on his back, he led the others with a quack, quack, quack."
Caden LOVES that song. He's a big duck fan. He gets that from Grandpa.
Jay and I have been sharing the joy of the quack, quack song lately because his motorcycle died a few days ago. Living in the country while working in the city with one car between us has been nothing short of stressful...especially with gas at a million dollars a gallon...but tomorrow we have finangled a way to get the bike to a bike doctor and we'll know the extent of her damage then.
We're praying it's something small...and cheap...VERY cheap.
I apologize for the lack of photos and video lately...I spilled a little communion juice on my camera zoom (don't ask) and it has stopped working. Perhaps the motorcycle and the camera are in kahoots with the lawn mower...which has also died. Now would be the time for a great deal of money to drop from the sky.
On the bright side, the car still works...the weed eater is still functioning and there's always disposable cameras in the case of a picture emergency.
I have a phone meeting to attend now with various business people from all over the United States. 3910 people across the US of A will be receiving new cell phones and it is mu job to make sure they get them. Their cellular future rests with me....I must go now and save the world.

1 comment:

Dana said...

yay, a blog post! I hope that you're able to save their cellular futures!