Friday, May 16, 2008

Hey, Over Here!

I am an extrovert so days like today and yesterday and more than likely tomorrow, make me CRAZY! Caden woke up yesterday with a fever so he and I stayed home together all day. I LOVE spending time with my son, but when he isn't feeling well enough to leave the house and all we can do is watch Playhouse Disney, I get the cabin fever. BAD.
Last night I left the house at 6 to go to worship team practice. I actually had a baby-less car which NEVER happens so I was pumped to hang out with my peeps after practicing. Unfortunately, my peeps bailed (you are all LAME :) so I went to Micah and Abby's house for some awesome tea, sweet new music and good chats before coming back to C-ville.
This morning Caden is feeling much worse than yesterday so here we are, trapped at home once again. I hate it when he's sick...he's actually very cuddly and adorable when he feels this bad, but you can tell by looking at him that he feels terrible. He's very lethargic so he's been sleeping pretty much all day. Poor monkey.
I think the more time I have, the more I waste. My bathrooms could use a cleaning and my filing cabinet needs some serious organizing, but I'd much rather write a blog and play the keyboard.
Jay has to work this afternoon but had a scooter shopping date with Phil this morning. It's pouring down rain, which serves him right for leaving me with a sick kid :) Sorry Phil. I'm just kidding. He has been waiting in anticipation for this man-date for quite sometime.
Nothing makes Jay's day like good friends and power sports.
Well I guess I should get something done before the little man wakes up. If anyone is an extrovert, trapped at home with nothing to do, please come to Crawfordville and talk to me.

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