Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Le J'arden de Olives

That is totally not how you say 'Olive Garden' in french, but it works for now.
All can think about are the breadsticks and fettuchini that I will be dining on in an hour with good friends. In the words of Caden, "Num, Num."
Caden is going to a babysitters house and we are going out for eats. Can we afford to be doing that right now? Probably not...but after looking at the bank account today I said to Jay, "I don't care. I NEED to go out."
Sorry Dave Ramsey. $11.95 fettuchini is a small price to pay for my sanity.
I feel like life is really great but VERY chaotic lately. With two jobs, a busy volunteer schedule, one car, a husband who works his buns off constantly and still being with Caden quite a bit, I'm finding it difficult to get things done around the house. Today I knocked out the landry and I scrubbed inbetween the tiles of our shower with Jay's toothbrush...don't worry, we're not fighting...it was his old toothbrush :)
There was a time in my life where I was extremely messy...just ask my mom, my old roomies at Camp Walter Johnson, or Amy, who kept our apartment from being roped off by the health department. Now clutter makes me hyperventilate.
What happened to me in those 2 years I did nothing but clean and mother? I turned into a crazy person!
So tonight I will battle the crazy with pasta, breadsticks and great conversation.
Once again Dave, sorry for the blatant disrespect to the program...I'll get back on the horse tomorrow.


Dana said...

I won't be offended about not being invited for breadsticks. Perhaps my phone was out, or yours. Either way enjoy the breadsticks, I think that Dave will forgive you ;-)

Anonymous said...

Well...that's where you are. I tried to call! Of all the nights, eh? Hope you guys have fun. I'll try you again another night :)


The Secret of Happiness said...

Pasta can fix anything can't it? ANf don't forget about a nice cup of tea, that will fix anything when you're in a pinch.