Saturday, May 24, 2008

She's at it again...

The issue of homosexuals adopting children has been brought to my attention alot lately. Most Christians are outraged by the thought of this and I can't help but wonder why? Are we seeing the bigger picture, or are we blinded by the Americanized version of the gospel that says homosexuality is the worst sin of much worse than pre-marital sex and adultery and divorce...or that smoking cigarettes is much worse in the eyes of God than excessive eating to the point of obesity and heart disease...When did we start ranking sin?

As a Christian woman with homosexual friends, I've seen up close the turmoil alot of them have to go through...especially when they were raised in the church and desperately want to live a Christian life but they daily have to fight their attraction for the same sex. I even had one friend in ministry who went through multiple types of therapies, took endless rounds of medications, trying everything he could not to 'be gay'. In the end he came out as to his struggle and the church completely rejected him. He now lives with his same sex partner, and why not? If you present your struggle before the church and you're rejected as though you're disgusting with no answer and no guidance except, 'being gay is wrong' why wouldn't you run to the arms of someone waiting to accept you?
I feel burdened for homosexual Christians everyday. I wish the church as a whole had eyes like Jesus when it comes to this.
I believe in what the word of God says about homosexuality, but I don't believe it's as simple as choosing not to be gay...I believe it is a massive cross that some people have been chosen to bear. I can't imagine being in that position and I pray for those who are. Can you imagine feeling the way you feel for your husband or wife and being told you're some kind of super sinner for being that way? It must be spirit crushing.

Back to the point. I don't believe homosexuals should be banned from adopting children. Some people say they should because kids should grow up in families with a mom and a dad. If that's the case, then straight, single parents should be banned from adopting too....but we don't take a stance against that because it would be cruel and ridiculous. Should we take a boy from a widowed mother because there's no dad around and her son may be screwed up from lack of testosterone in the home? Of course we wouldn't...that's insane.
The classic other argument Christians have is that homosexuals shouldn't adopt because they're children will be raised in an ungodly home. If that's the case then we need to take a stance against anyone who's not Christian adopting kids. For an issue most deam as black or white, I'm seeing alot of gray.
Another argument is that homosexual parents may raise homosexual kids and to that argument I can't say anything because it's so ridiculous and unfounded it can't be argued.
It may not be ideal and it's not what I would choose for my family but I have to say praise God for healthy, happy homes in America. God knows there are enough terrible ones out there. Florida is one of the worst for abusive foster care families, overloading their run down shacks with as many kids as they can so they can get money from the government. I would much rather see a child go to a loving, homosexual home than be tossed from one foster house to another until their 18, emotionally destroyed, homeless and alone. Who do you think is going to be more detrimental to society? Someone who was loved and affirmed and taken care of by (heaven forbid!) homosexual parents or someone who was tossed around with no structure and nothing poured into them? We need to start thinking more about kids and about what God's word actually says instead of pushing our own agenda passed down to us from grandpappy what's-his-name.

I repeat I believe in what God says about homosexuality, that it's not God's best for us and we shouldn't act on those feelings...but most of us don't even keep the Sabbath holy and that's one of the Top 10. We're all sinners. Let's not forget that.

So the next time you see a gay couple and the first thing that comes to your mind is 'look at those awful sinners', whip out your mirror, remove the forest from your eyeball and remember that the only commandment God rated higher than the rest was LOVE.

Alright it's midnight...I'm done.


sarah jewett clarke said...


i like it when you go at it. good stuff comes out.

Kyle McDonald said...


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Kathy! Thanks for sharing it!

Bless you,
Rebecca Pretty