Now that Caden is 2, his passions in life are:
1) Torturing the cat
2) Cookies
3) Hitting things with drum sticks (including animals and humans)
4) Bats, Balls and Golf Clubs (all of the plastic, toddler variety of course)
5) Driving Mama insane until she ends up rocking back and forth in the corner hugging her kness....ok, that hasn't yet happened..but we've come close.
6) Flushing non-waste objects down the toilet and throwing non-trash items into the trash.
7) Throwing TV remotes
8) Using everything as a apple, french fries, a sippy cup...Caden can make any object receive telephone reception.
9) Hopping and screaming...usually simutaneously
10) and last but not least....Mickey Mouse...AKA: Eye Eye Ice.
i've been ridiculously tired lately so I went and had some blood work done. It all came back normal, thank goodness. This leads me to believe that side effects of having a 2 year old include extreme fatigue, laughter, momentary spurts of anger and frustration, public embarassment due to tantrums, forgetfulness/scatterbrain type behaviour and an uncontrollable urge to medicate one self with chocolate.
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