Friday, March 28, 2008


What a week! It's been challenging, tiring and great!
I started my job on Monday and what i thought was going to be an easy peasy data entry job ended up being something much more intricate and diffcult. On Monday afternoon I came home wondering if my brain was big enough to handle it all. Alot of hightech talk...alot of unexplained acronyms...and although my co-workers are very nice, I don't think any of them knew who was suppose to train me so they handed me a 30 paged document with my responsibilities and pointed me to my cubicle. Tuesday I went in determined to have some clarity and after tracking down about 12 people with sticky notes filled with questions, I now think I have the hang of it.
I like having somewhere to be everyday. I've been drying my hair everyday which hasn't been the case in many years. I went grocery shopping in heals this week which made me feel very important...and slightly uncomfortable.
Caden has been going eagerly to school. Jay and I think we can work it out so that he only needs to go to school twice a week, 3 days max. My job is incredibly flexible and since it is challenging and busy the day goes by quickly when I'm only there for 5 hours.
I also got a random email from a woman wants me to play for an hour at her wedding in the park and she's going to pay me $150.00 to do it!
Make-up artist, project administrator and wedding pianist....3 jobs! WOWEE!
The only thing I need to figure out is how to get my laundry done in the midst of it all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kathy - the laundry situation. I have some advice. Here are your choices
a) get Caden to do it - but as he can't read he probably doesn't know the difference between delicate cottons and wool.
b) get Jason to do it. ah. That won't work either.
c) don't do it. Cubicles are designed to keep the smells in a small confined space. Most people who are assigned to working in a cubicle do so because of their poor social skills and many times this is due to a problem with body odor. Can you smell the vagrant working in the next cubicle to you? Exactly - no you can't. That co-worker smells like your son's diapers, but does not need to care about laundry. And neither should you.