Jay took the car to work today. He is going out with some friends tonight so this leaves Caden and I home locked. I should have thought this through yesterday because I have been trapped at home all day without diet pepsi and chocolate. Not good. These things are like oxygen to me...especially with a two year old wearing me down.
This morning I got it in my head to put together the toddler bed Jay's parents gave Caden for his birthday. It is a blue roadster and it is absolutly adorable. It came in a ginormous box that didn't fit anywhere in the house so I thought I would put it together, making it easier to store until we were ready to use it. Well that was an adventure in and of itself, because although the instructions called for one person, it would have been much less frustrating with 2 adults and 0 toddlers in the room.
Caden wanted to play with all the parts and all the tools and all the screws. There were many tantrums by both him and I, but after a while, it was together. I brought it in his room to test it out. I took the matress out of his crib and put it in the car and he immediatly jumped on it and pretended to snore...so I proceeded to take the crib apart and make room for the bed to stay, the whole while saying, "what am I doing?" over and over...
After that I decided to paint. (of course) and this ended up being a great experience! Caden didn't even seem to notice that there was wet paint on the walls and he played patiently with his toys until I was finished. I painted one wall with the 'mistake' blue we originally painted the kitchen. It was a little too bright for the kitchen so we covered it with a darker, greyish blue. The original blue turns out to be perfect for a little boys room! I am going to paint the other walls yellow, green and red...trying desperatly to recreate the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I'm hoping to have the materials to paint a big mural of Mickey's face on the blue wall but this will require a projector...we'll what happens.
He lay down for his nap and only came out of his room once. After I silently walked him back to bed, he fell asleep within 5 minutes and slept like a big boy for 1.5 hours! He even used a blanket and a pillow...which is unheard of for him! Turns out he was more than ready for his big boy bed...or at least that's how I feel now...I'll let you know how it goes tonight!
Here are some photos. Enjoy!
Caden loves all of his new mickey mouse toys

"I've got ya, Nan!"

Nan trying to come down the ladder...Caden trying to go up...quite the conundrum.

"I've got it from here, Ladies."

He's a bit obsessed with M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E.

This one's for Uncle Gerry.

Here she is in all her glory. The roadster toddler bed. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!
I had to leave a little piece of the crib behind in order for Caden to see his night light aquarium. He's definitely not ready to give that up yet.