Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What a sucky day

Have you ever had one of those days where it really couldn't have gotten any suckier? That was my today.
Sick baby who screamed/whined/threw little tantrums all day, I have some wierd col-flu like bug, I get all dressed up in the midst of a screaming baby so that we could go out with Jay and his boss for some Bonefish Grill only to wait in the car for an hour and 10 minutes with a screaming, now very smelly baby just to have to turn around and head back home because a 7 O'clock dinner with the fam turned into an 8:30 dinner at which a screaming baby would have been very, VERY tired and cranky. The entire way home I gripe about how thoughtless men can be, to let a woman sit in a car in the parking lot with her child while they 'talk business.' Grrr. I come home, looking absolutly stunning I might add, and go to get Caden ready for bed and he has literally pooped himself silly and it is EVERYWHERE...thus getting it all over my stunning outfit. Why did I even shower today?
I finally calm him down, get him to sleep and sit infront of my computer to dwell on my extremely sucky day.
The only thing good about days like this are that tomorrow probably won't suck as much as today did.
Bring on Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

aw! and yet you still had time to send out recipes...you are Super-Mom! :-) Love you.

The Secret of Happiness said...

I hope today is better!

Jennifer (JR) said...

I hate sucky days too... here's hoping your tomorrows are much better than yesterdays!

Honeydew said...

I had one of those days on Monday. One step forward and 5 backwards!! The week has gotten much better with each passing day but I'm sure that it'll work full circle and next Monday will be similar to this past one. No one said it would be easy. Caden likes The Wiggles, eh?! I think a "easter gift" is in order!! Later, Sis!