Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades

That's what Jason says to me all the time.
I'm not sure about that....
This morning I went to the gym, got paged by the kidz zone cause Caden was being cranky, and then headed to the grocery store to pick up some food. Caden was pretty cranky and vocal the whole time we were there, so I was aggitated and ready to leave by the time we checked out. I loaded the groceries into the car, loaded the cranky boy into the car, and began crossing the parking lot to put my cart away.
Of course I looked both ways...something I learned when I was around 3 or 4, and there was one truck coming towards me but he was rather far away so I began crossing the parking lot. As I got to about the middle, I noticed that the truck was not doing the customary 'slow-down' for a pedestrian crossing...and within seconds I knew that if I didn't jump out of the way, he was going to run me over. It was as if he was accelerating to see how hard he could hit me. He was about a foot from me with no signs of slowing when I frantically pushed my cart ahead of me and jumped out of the way. At this point, he saw me and slammed on the brakes. It was such a close call. He just starred at me after the whole thing. He looked at me so blankly...like he couldn't understand what was happening...like he couldn't figure out where I came from...he looked really confused and disoriented. I think he may have been on something...We just starred at eachother for about 30 seconds and then I walked to my car and drove away, shaking the whole way home.
I called Jay and said, "I almost got hit by a car!"
After I told him about everything he said, "Well, I'm glad you're alright."
It hit me in that moment how if I was 2 seconds slower, that would have been a completely different phone call, probably made by a stranger to let my husband know that I had been hurt. If the 'almost' was removed from that sentence, I could be in serious pain right now...laid up for weeks, unable to take care of Caden...or worse. As freaked out as I was from 'almost' being hit by a car, life is going to be completely different because of that one little word. Thank you God for 'almost'.

1 comment:

Kyle McDonald said...

wow kathy!! i'm glad to know that you are ok. thats crazy