Thursday, March 22, 2007

Crazy Lazy Days

I haven't posted in a while...a while being several days...I have no excuse except that life has been both crazy and lazy lately. I'm getting alot of sleep which makes me happy. Caden has been sleeping in until 8:30 and I have to admit, so have I. So my mornings are pretty lazy but then I get him up, dressed, fed, then I get me fed, showered, dressed and we head out the door to take on the day. We've been walking alot lately. I'm eatting well and think I finally made it through the sugar detox that was slowing me down. Today was my first day back to the gym since Christmas. I had them pause my membership so that I could rest my back and my bank account at the same time so now we're back in the swing of things. I was worried about Caden not wanting to go in the kid zone but he did great! I think it's going to be alot easier now that he is older.
I've gotta give God props for majestically putting $200.00 into our bank account that was not there before. I swear, I checked yesterday and we had a certain, very low amount of money and I check again today and there was $200.00 more. No record of money being deposited or creditted to the was just, there! I prayed as I gave money to our church this week and said, "God, I know you'll take care of us" and I was right to trust. It's not a miraculous story of receiving 10,000 bucks in the mail but it works for me.
I'm not going to question, I'm just going to be thankful. God is so faithful. We've been able to elliminate alot of our debt lately which is a great thing going into summer when Jay's business usually slows down. Steps closer to getting house. Make me happy.
Aside from that I've been cleaning, playing, running errands, selling make-up and feeling pretty accomplished at the end of each day. Then I lay my head down in the evenings and take a nice, 10-hour sleep to prepare me for the following day.
Caden slept like garbage for 7 months, I'm taking advantage of this!

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