Monday, December 15, 2008


Our department at work hosted a Christmas breakfast buffet this morning. Since I am not known for my culinary skills, I offered to play Christmas music to set the mood. It went great! It was very relaxed and easy going...I didn't want it to be performancy, and it wasn't. It was really fun and people seemed to really enjoy it.
I wish my sinuses didn't effect my voice as much as they do. It's always frustrating to have that limitation. Someday, when life slows down (if it ever will) I will go to the ear, nose and throat doctor to see if anything can be done to help. Until then, I'll sing and bear it.
Sunday was awesome. I've really been missing playing every week and the music yesterday sounded incredible. I don't say that boastfully, because we all know it has nothing to do with our own abilities and everything to do with God's miraculous hand. I love this line from a song called 'None but Jesus':
"In the moment of my weakness you give me grace to do your will."
I remember thinking that over and over throughout the entire set. My voice was cutting in and out, my fingers hit a few wrong notes here and there, but in my weakness God gives me grace to do His will just the same.
Even when my heart and attitude are not what they should be, he gives me His grace so I can bless someone else with his gifts and that in turn, changes me for the better. It's quite humbling.
I don't even know if any of that makes sense today. I didn't get much sleep last night...
In other news, we will be in Newfoundland in ONE WEEK! AHHHHHHHH!

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