Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rip it, Rip it Good

Caden was able to get a head start on the gift opening this year. This is the first Christmas that he has been able to grasp Baby Jesus, Santa, Christmas trees, Christmas cookies, Christmas in general and gift opening.
Last year he was very frustrated that everything was wrapped in paper. In his eyes, this was a very annoying barrier between him and new toys.
This year, he has had the chance to open a few pre-Christmas gifts, and he is a big fan of ripping the paper and discovering what lies underneath.
Caden is going through a bit of a rebellious phase right now. Very defiant and very stubborn...I know that his strong will is something that will make him a strong and independent adult but right now, it seems as though it's one battle after another...Hopefully he will have presents under the tree this Christmas and not just a big lump of coal or a festive spank on the bottom :)
After all, I'd hate for his new found gift opening skills to be wasted.

Here is Caden opening some gifts from Grandma and Grandpa (Jay's parents). Grandma and Grandpa sent lots of toys too but they wanted him to have these cute and practical presents for our trip to Canada. It was nice to see how Caden will do with the gift opening and it appears that he'll be able to hold his own :)

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Today we leave for Orlando and tomorrow we fly out to Newfoundland. Pray against delayed flights, pray for a pleasant and cooperative toddler (a true Christmas miracle!) and pray for safety and joy for everyone around the world this holiday season.

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