Monday, December 08, 2008


The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. Travelling, working, volunteering, socializing. We went to Atlanta, came back and dove head first into church on Sunday, small group on Monday, work everyday, church on Wednesday, and a million things inbetween. I work 9 hour days Mon-Thurs and Friday's are very flexible. This past Friday I put Caden in school because I knew he would have more fun there than being dragged all over town, and I proceeded to run a million errands. That is not an exaggerated number. I finished and mailed Christmas cards, went to several houses all over town buying and selling things (i love craigslist!) I went to a baby store, grabbed some food, ran to Costco, dropped by Caden's school to drop off his car seat and by the time I finished my second round at Walmart I put my head on the steering wheel in the parking lot and thought, "I don't know how I am going to get home."
This intense wave of fatigue came all over me. I knew the house was a disaster and I needed to clean it for a baby shower the next day, but I could barely turn the key in the ignition to get myself home.
I called Jay and he was on his way back from Panama City. I warned him that I needed to take a nap for an hour and when I was done, I would clean up the house. I'm not a napper, so he knew I had to be super sleepy.
I made it home and collapsed into bed. Several hours later I woke up to a fresh smelling house and the most amazing husband I had ever laid eyes on.
A woman's husband can't look any better than after cleaning the house from top to bottom ;)
Amber brought Caden home and helped decorate for the shower on Saturday, which was super fun. Saturday evening we were exhausted, but dragged our tired and sorry behinds into the Christmas parade which ended up being really nice since we left before it was over to beat the traffic.
Sunday morning came and I did something I haven't done since university. I skipped church.
I slept in until 9:30 while Jay played with Caden, I showered and put on clean pajamas with no intention of going anywhere for the entire day and I sat, for elongated periods of time, doing absolutely nothing productive. It was AMAZING.
I am not a supporter of church skipping. In fact, I am sad that I missed it because I know it was great....but the Stock family needed a breather. A day with no obligations, no where to be, nothing to be done. No errands to run, no phone calls to make, no projects to tackle. Down time. Much needed down time. I think the bible calls it a day of rest :)
This opportunity will not come about anymore for the rest 2008. I am scheduled to play for the next two Sundays, this coming Saturday is wayfm sponsored "Movies in the Park" and the following Saturday we need to prepare and pack for our trip to Canada :) There are numerous other things to do in between and then we're off, gallivanting around North America until 2009.
Yesterday was a nice time of nothingness to quiet our minds and prepare ourselves for the mad rush that is our everyday lives.

1 comment:

Amy Fitz said...

We all need that day of "doing nothing" every once in awhile. Good for you guys!!! :)