Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
She's at it again...
The issue of homosexuals adopting children has been brought to my attention alot lately. Most Christians are outraged by the thought of this and I can't help but wonder why? Are we seeing the bigger picture, or are we blinded by the Americanized version of the gospel that says homosexuality is the worst sin of much worse than pre-marital sex and adultery and divorce...or that smoking cigarettes is much worse in the eyes of God than excessive eating to the point of obesity and heart disease...When did we start ranking sin?
As a Christian woman with homosexual friends, I've seen up close the turmoil alot of them have to go through...especially when they were raised in the church and desperately want to live a Christian life but they daily have to fight their attraction for the same sex. I even had one friend in ministry who went through multiple types of therapies, took endless rounds of medications, trying everything he could not to 'be gay'. In the end he came out as to his struggle and the church completely rejected him. He now lives with his same sex partner, and why not? If you present your struggle before the church and you're rejected as though you're disgusting with no answer and no guidance except, 'being gay is wrong' why wouldn't you run to the arms of someone waiting to accept you?
I feel burdened for homosexual Christians everyday. I wish the church as a whole had eyes like Jesus when it comes to this.
I believe in what the word of God says about homosexuality, but I don't believe it's as simple as choosing not to be gay...I believe it is a massive cross that some people have been chosen to bear. I can't imagine being in that position and I pray for those who are. Can you imagine feeling the way you feel for your husband or wife and being told you're some kind of super sinner for being that way? It must be spirit crushing.
Back to the point. I don't believe homosexuals should be banned from adopting children. Some people say they should because kids should grow up in families with a mom and a dad. If that's the case, then straight, single parents should be banned from adopting too....but we don't take a stance against that because it would be cruel and ridiculous. Should we take a boy from a widowed mother because there's no dad around and her son may be screwed up from lack of testosterone in the home? Of course we wouldn't...that's insane.
The classic other argument Christians have is that homosexuals shouldn't adopt because they're children will be raised in an ungodly home. If that's the case then we need to take a stance against anyone who's not Christian adopting kids. For an issue most deam as black or white, I'm seeing alot of gray.
Another argument is that homosexual parents may raise homosexual kids and to that argument I can't say anything because it's so ridiculous and unfounded it can't be argued.
It may not be ideal and it's not what I would choose for my family but I have to say praise God for healthy, happy homes in America. God knows there are enough terrible ones out there. Florida is one of the worst for abusive foster care families, overloading their run down shacks with as many kids as they can so they can get money from the government. I would much rather see a child go to a loving, homosexual home than be tossed from one foster house to another until their 18, emotionally destroyed, homeless and alone. Who do you think is going to be more detrimental to society? Someone who was loved and affirmed and taken care of by (heaven forbid!) homosexual parents or someone who was tossed around with no structure and nothing poured into them? We need to start thinking more about kids and about what God's word actually says instead of pushing our own agenda passed down to us from grandpappy what's-his-name.
I repeat I believe in what God says about homosexuality, that it's not God's best for us and we shouldn't act on those feelings...but most of us don't even keep the Sabbath holy and that's one of the Top 10. We're all sinners. Let's not forget that.
So the next time you see a gay couple and the first thing that comes to your mind is 'look at those awful sinners', whip out your mirror, remove the forest from your eyeball and remember that the only commandment God rated higher than the rest was LOVE.
Alright it's midnight...I'm done.
As a Christian woman with homosexual friends, I've seen up close the turmoil alot of them have to go through...especially when they were raised in the church and desperately want to live a Christian life but they daily have to fight their attraction for the same sex. I even had one friend in ministry who went through multiple types of therapies, took endless rounds of medications, trying everything he could not to 'be gay'. In the end he came out as to his struggle and the church completely rejected him. He now lives with his same sex partner, and why not? If you present your struggle before the church and you're rejected as though you're disgusting with no answer and no guidance except, 'being gay is wrong' why wouldn't you run to the arms of someone waiting to accept you?
I feel burdened for homosexual Christians everyday. I wish the church as a whole had eyes like Jesus when it comes to this.
I believe in what the word of God says about homosexuality, but I don't believe it's as simple as choosing not to be gay...I believe it is a massive cross that some people have been chosen to bear. I can't imagine being in that position and I pray for those who are. Can you imagine feeling the way you feel for your husband or wife and being told you're some kind of super sinner for being that way? It must be spirit crushing.
Back to the point. I don't believe homosexuals should be banned from adopting children. Some people say they should because kids should grow up in families with a mom and a dad. If that's the case, then straight, single parents should be banned from adopting too....but we don't take a stance against that because it would be cruel and ridiculous. Should we take a boy from a widowed mother because there's no dad around and her son may be screwed up from lack of testosterone in the home? Of course we wouldn't...that's insane.
The classic other argument Christians have is that homosexuals shouldn't adopt because they're children will be raised in an ungodly home. If that's the case then we need to take a stance against anyone who's not Christian adopting kids. For an issue most deam as black or white, I'm seeing alot of gray.
Another argument is that homosexual parents may raise homosexual kids and to that argument I can't say anything because it's so ridiculous and unfounded it can't be argued.
It may not be ideal and it's not what I would choose for my family but I have to say praise God for healthy, happy homes in America. God knows there are enough terrible ones out there. Florida is one of the worst for abusive foster care families, overloading their run down shacks with as many kids as they can so they can get money from the government. I would much rather see a child go to a loving, homosexual home than be tossed from one foster house to another until their 18, emotionally destroyed, homeless and alone. Who do you think is going to be more detrimental to society? Someone who was loved and affirmed and taken care of by (heaven forbid!) homosexual parents or someone who was tossed around with no structure and nothing poured into them? We need to start thinking more about kids and about what God's word actually says instead of pushing our own agenda passed down to us from grandpappy what's-his-name.
I repeat I believe in what God says about homosexuality, that it's not God's best for us and we shouldn't act on those feelings...but most of us don't even keep the Sabbath holy and that's one of the Top 10. We're all sinners. Let's not forget that.
So the next time you see a gay couple and the first thing that comes to your mind is 'look at those awful sinners', whip out your mirror, remove the forest from your eyeball and remember that the only commandment God rated higher than the rest was LOVE.
Alright it's midnight...I'm done.
Going Home

See that itty bitty piece of land hanging off the north east part of North America?...Look has a long point on the top left side and it sits pretty right next to Nova Scotia. That's Newfoundland, and we are going to be there in 3 days.
I am indescribably excited about this. I'm excited to see my family. My grandmother who I haven't seen in almost 2 years and my dad who I haven't seen since Caden's 1st birthday..and of course my mom, who I was blessed to spend some time in March with but still can't wait to see again. I'm excited to see my friends...most of which I got to see 2 years ago, but some that I haven't seen in 6 and 7 years! We're going to have a fire on the beach and hit the irish pubs (for the music of course) of downtown St. John's. I'm excited to be outside in one the most spectacular places on earth. Ellen Page from the movie 'Juno' described Newfoundland as being, "So picturesque you expect a pterodactyl to swoop down from the sky."
It's literally that unreal.
I'm excited to spend time in my home with my husband, who throughout our entire marriage has only been there twice, the last time being September 2004. It's difficult living so far away from a culture that most people know nothing about. I'm going to cherish this time that my husband and child can get to know me even better than they do now by seeing and experiencing the place and people that made me who I am.
Mostly I am excited for Jay to have 9 days with absolutely no responsibilities. I know this trip is going to do alot for him...he may even return from it a new and refreshed person. I know he'll return from it a freshly tattooed person but that's another story for another time :)
Since many of you that read this have no idea where I come from, except that I sometimes use words that don't actually exist in the English language, I've put some pics together so you can have a glimpse into what we will be seeing in 3 days.
The house I grew up in.

The town I grew up in, Green's Harbour.

Another shot of Green's Harbour. This was taken at the end of May, 2005.

Most of the Harbour communities in Newfoundland were settled when the fishery was alive and vibrant. It hasn't been that way for the majority of my life, with the exception of government allowed seasonal fishing...but the communities still reflect the culture and beauty of a time when people lived souly off the land.

Jay proposed to me here, on Signal Hill in St. John's back in April, 2003.

Historic Downtown St. John's. There are not enough photos in the world to capture the coolness of this town. I miss it terribly.

The cool thing about St. John's is that down town is literally's a steep ride to that historic and eclectic area. If you're in St. John's and you want to find downtown, just head down towards the harbour and make sure you have good brakes.

Last time Jay and I were home together (almost 4 years ago!) we went on a whale watching tour in St. John's. It was a cool experience, but it was a bad season for whales and icebergs, so we didn't see either. May and June are the BEST months for whales and icebergs and this year is rumoured to be the best iceberg season in 10 we will be heading out on another whale watching tour, this time we'll hopefully see some whales! And huge hunks of ice!

These were signs and images I saw frequently growing up. When I was old enough to drive, the last thing dad would say before I'd leave the house was, 'Watch out for da Moose!'

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Lord, Give me the Strength to Deal With This Precious Little Angel...
That's my prayer the midst of tantrums and fits. For a long time I believed that toddlers who threw tantrums were the product of bad parenting. I now know that it's rough being a many emotions and discoveries in the midst of a limited vocabulary and a strengthening will. It's also not easy being a parent, and I am realizing (via a slap in the face by God for everytime I said, 'My child will not act like that.') that most good parents are just trying to do the best with what they have. That sometimes, we all loose our cool. We all have a word or a moment with our children we normally wouldn't had our buttons not been pushed so hard for so long. That although there are a million parenting books and a hundred know-it-all mom's out there with countless tips, there is no right or wrong way to deal with tantrums, picky eaters, aggressive kids, nite-nite fights, and the billions of other battles we fight as parents and need to spend enough time with your child to know him/her and do the best you can with what you have.
Luckily, they have faces that look like this, which makes it much easier to deal with them when they are being ugly.
Friday, May 16, 2008
My Husband Rocks
Hey, Over Here!
I am an extrovert so days like today and yesterday and more than likely tomorrow, make me CRAZY! Caden woke up yesterday with a fever so he and I stayed home together all day. I LOVE spending time with my son, but when he isn't feeling well enough to leave the house and all we can do is watch Playhouse Disney, I get the cabin fever. BAD.
Last night I left the house at 6 to go to worship team practice. I actually had a baby-less car which NEVER happens so I was pumped to hang out with my peeps after practicing. Unfortunately, my peeps bailed (you are all LAME :) so I went to Micah and Abby's house for some awesome tea, sweet new music and good chats before coming back to C-ville.
This morning Caden is feeling much worse than yesterday so here we are, trapped at home once again. I hate it when he's sick...he's actually very cuddly and adorable when he feels this bad, but you can tell by looking at him that he feels terrible. He's very lethargic so he's been sleeping pretty much all day. Poor monkey.
I think the more time I have, the more I waste. My bathrooms could use a cleaning and my filing cabinet needs some serious organizing, but I'd much rather write a blog and play the keyboard.
Jay has to work this afternoon but had a scooter shopping date with Phil this morning. It's pouring down rain, which serves him right for leaving me with a sick kid :) Sorry Phil. I'm just kidding. He has been waiting in anticipation for this man-date for quite sometime.
Nothing makes Jay's day like good friends and power sports.
Well I guess I should get something done before the little man wakes up. If anyone is an extrovert, trapped at home with nothing to do, please come to Crawfordville and talk to me.
Last night I left the house at 6 to go to worship team practice. I actually had a baby-less car which NEVER happens so I was pumped to hang out with my peeps after practicing. Unfortunately, my peeps bailed (you are all LAME :) so I went to Micah and Abby's house for some awesome tea, sweet new music and good chats before coming back to C-ville.
This morning Caden is feeling much worse than yesterday so here we are, trapped at home once again. I hate it when he's sick...he's actually very cuddly and adorable when he feels this bad, but you can tell by looking at him that he feels terrible. He's very lethargic so he's been sleeping pretty much all day. Poor monkey.
I think the more time I have, the more I waste. My bathrooms could use a cleaning and my filing cabinet needs some serious organizing, but I'd much rather write a blog and play the keyboard.
Jay has to work this afternoon but had a scooter shopping date with Phil this morning. It's pouring down rain, which serves him right for leaving me with a sick kid :) Sorry Phil. I'm just kidding. He has been waiting in anticipation for this man-date for quite sometime.
Nothing makes Jay's day like good friends and power sports.
Well I guess I should get something done before the little man wakes up. If anyone is an extrovert, trapped at home with nothing to do, please come to Crawfordville and talk to me.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Run Forest, RUN!
I ran for 10 minutes today! This has never, ever happened in my life. I don't think I've ever made it 3 minutes when jogging. I finally felt what I've heard so many runners talk about..."I hit my stride"
I was using the gym at work and I stole my husbands IPOD. I started listening to Family Force Five and it made me want to run. The more I listened, the more I ran...and I think I could have kept going except that my pants were not cooperating and I thought I was going to loose them and hurt myself in a freak pants-around-the -ankles-treadmill incident. I also forgot socks, so my toes were rubbing causing some painfulness.
After a Bruce Springsteen cool down I realized the key to an exciting and fun work out is exciting and fun music!
I will continue to steal Jay's IPOD on a regular basis.
I was using the gym at work and I stole my husbands IPOD. I started listening to Family Force Five and it made me want to run. The more I listened, the more I ran...and I think I could have kept going except that my pants were not cooperating and I thought I was going to loose them and hurt myself in a freak pants-around-the -ankles-treadmill incident. I also forgot socks, so my toes were rubbing causing some painfulness.
After a Bruce Springsteen cool down I realized the key to an exciting and fun work out is exciting and fun music!
I will continue to steal Jay's IPOD on a regular basis.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sometimes I become so overwhelmed with all that I have and with all of my blessings that I can't sleep. At 12:20am, that's where I find myself right now.
Today my son showed up to church with a mother's day balloon tied around his wrist and a card in his hands, which he graciously gave over to me. How cute is that? Anyone who has a child knows that giving up a balloon is no easy task. I think he had a little help from his pet giant, Daddy. I am so blessed.
When leaving church today I had two bags, my extra pair of shoes, a sippy cup, Caden, my keyboard, my keyboard pedal and chords and my mother's day presents in my hands. I was a little bogged down as you can imagine. Jay was working so I managed to get everything into the car by myself. I tied the balloon to my shoes, and put the shoes on top of the car while I put Caden in his seat. When I stood up to get what was on the roof, my balloon was gone. I was super sad that the wind had taken away my gift. I licked my finger, felt the direction of the breeze and looked down the parking lot, across a field, 30 feet away and down onto the running track at Leon High School, and saw my balloon whirling around amongst the afternoon runners. I started on the hunt. I had no idea how to get down to that area, but I jumped in the car and flew down the street. I took the first right I saw and ended up exactly where I needed to be. The balloon had wrapped itself around a fire escape railing and there was a woman about to grab it for herself. I jumped out of the car like a mad woman, "THAT'S MY BALLOON!"
The wind then took the balloon off of the stair case and onto the roof of a short building. She and I stood there wondering how we were going to get it down when I said a small prayer under my breath. In the midst of all that is going on in the universe, God sent me the perfect little breeze and down came the balloon into my hands. Meanwhile, Caden is in the car completely embarrassed and mortified I'm sure...that his mother is running like a maniac in heels at the high school track, trying to grab a helium balloon on a windy day.
There was no way I was letting that precious gift get away.
I don't know why I have the amazing husband I have, or an incredible son to call my own. I don't know why I was blessed with great parents or why I have musical talent, or why I have many great friends...I don't know why I have a flexible job that is perfect for me or a little plot of land on the planet to call our own....I don't know why things just always turn out for good even in the midst of financial stress and the unknown but all I can say is that I'm thankful.
Thankful to be Jason's wife. Thankful to be Caden's mom. Thankful to be Howard and Judy's daughter. Thankful to be able to lead people in song. Thankful to have good friends to laugh/cry/grow with. Thankful for flexibility and success. Thankful for our home. Thankful to be a child of God...that he sees me in my ridiculousness and still sees fit to send just enough wind my way when I need it most. I'm just thankful, and at the end of a very long day which marks the end of a very long week, that's a great thing to be.
Alright, It's 12:37...I'm off to bed.
Today my son showed up to church with a mother's day balloon tied around his wrist and a card in his hands, which he graciously gave over to me. How cute is that? Anyone who has a child knows that giving up a balloon is no easy task. I think he had a little help from his pet giant, Daddy. I am so blessed.
When leaving church today I had two bags, my extra pair of shoes, a sippy cup, Caden, my keyboard, my keyboard pedal and chords and my mother's day presents in my hands. I was a little bogged down as you can imagine. Jay was working so I managed to get everything into the car by myself. I tied the balloon to my shoes, and put the shoes on top of the car while I put Caden in his seat. When I stood up to get what was on the roof, my balloon was gone. I was super sad that the wind had taken away my gift. I licked my finger, felt the direction of the breeze and looked down the parking lot, across a field, 30 feet away and down onto the running track at Leon High School, and saw my balloon whirling around amongst the afternoon runners. I started on the hunt. I had no idea how to get down to that area, but I jumped in the car and flew down the street. I took the first right I saw and ended up exactly where I needed to be. The balloon had wrapped itself around a fire escape railing and there was a woman about to grab it for herself. I jumped out of the car like a mad woman, "THAT'S MY BALLOON!"
The wind then took the balloon off of the stair case and onto the roof of a short building. She and I stood there wondering how we were going to get it down when I said a small prayer under my breath. In the midst of all that is going on in the universe, God sent me the perfect little breeze and down came the balloon into my hands. Meanwhile, Caden is in the car completely embarrassed and mortified I'm sure...that his mother is running like a maniac in heels at the high school track, trying to grab a helium balloon on a windy day.
There was no way I was letting that precious gift get away.
I don't know why I have the amazing husband I have, or an incredible son to call my own. I don't know why I was blessed with great parents or why I have musical talent, or why I have many great friends...I don't know why I have a flexible job that is perfect for me or a little plot of land on the planet to call our own....I don't know why things just always turn out for good even in the midst of financial stress and the unknown but all I can say is that I'm thankful.
Thankful to be Jason's wife. Thankful to be Caden's mom. Thankful to be Howard and Judy's daughter. Thankful to be able to lead people in song. Thankful to have good friends to laugh/cry/grow with. Thankful for flexibility and success. Thankful for our home. Thankful to be a child of God...that he sees me in my ridiculousness and still sees fit to send just enough wind my way when I need it most. I'm just thankful, and at the end of a very long day which marks the end of a very long week, that's a great thing to be.
Alright, It's 12:37...I'm off to bed.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mudder's Day
That's Newfie talk for Happy Mother's Day.
I gave my husband a heads up last week and said, "Just letting you know, Mother's day is this Sunday."
He replied, "Ok, whatta ya want?"
They have no idea what to do for mother's day. I explained to him that I don't want anything...just recognition of the day...maybe a cute craft from Caden that they took time to do together for me...or a special Mother's day song like on that episode of Full House...anyways, I'm not going to hold my breath. I know my family loves me, but crafts might be a little too much to expect. :) I can't picture Jay craftin-it-up with scissors and a glue stick anyway.
I, on the other hand know what mother's need and that is a little hug around the shoulders, a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the back for all of the unseen things they do...maybe a facial if you have the resources :)
Since Jay doesn't always express himself well, I'll take this opportunity to wish his mom, Catherine, a Happy Mama Day:
You are a loving and kind hearted mother and grandmother. We all miss you very much and wish we could be closer for this mommy appreciation day. We can't wait to see you in July!
Thank you for raising a son who is an amazing husband and father. He is a wonderful man. Be very proud. Take a long bath, read an inspiring book, relax and enjoy this day knowing that you are loved. Thank you for being you.
To me Mudder: I often say that now that I am a mother, I have a deeper appreciation for my own. I've raved about her many a time before because she is one to rave about. Completely self-less...a shining example of motherhood. My mom taught me how to be a good wife by being a great wife to my dad. She taught me how to nuture by nuturing, how to love by loving, how to be like Christ by being Christ-like. My mother taught me that you can be a strong, independent, intellegent woman while being a caregiver or running a business or being an active volunteer.
At 9 months pregnant, she left an important job in a bank where she was very successful to raise my sister and I and to take care of my father's aging parents. She has been taking care of our elderly family members ever since, almost 30 years.
Mom has two children who live very far away from her. One on the other side of the nation (Canada is the second largest country in the world so that's pretty far away) and me, on the southern tip of a foriegn land. It has been very difficult on her to have her grandson in another country but she has always encouraged us to live where we're happy and has made having a relationship with Caden a priority by calling to talk to him everyday, travelling whenever time and money allow, demanding photos and videos on a regular basis and above all, praying for his life. A grandmother's love can cross borders and span nations. Family and friend relationships mean everything to my mother. She remembers every birthday...i don't mean just our birthdays, i mean EVERY birthday, on the planet...or at least that's what it feels like...I remember our kitchen calender having a birthday reminder on everyday of the year. Her heart is crazy big.
So I write this for my mother, because I know that even though my physical card is going to be super late (i'm never on the ball when it comes to international shipping), these words will mean alot to her, and they should because they are all true.
I hope when Caden is older he will have a blog like this...and maybe once or twice a year he'll type something nice about me. If i'm half the woman my mother is then that shouldn't be a problem for him...and by that time Jay will be off the hook for mother's day :)
Happy Mother's Day Mom.
I gave my husband a heads up last week and said, "Just letting you know, Mother's day is this Sunday."
He replied, "Ok, whatta ya want?"
They have no idea what to do for mother's day. I explained to him that I don't want anything...just recognition of the day...maybe a cute craft from Caden that they took time to do together for me...or a special Mother's day song like on that episode of Full House...anyways, I'm not going to hold my breath. I know my family loves me, but crafts might be a little too much to expect. :) I can't picture Jay craftin-it-up with scissors and a glue stick anyway.
I, on the other hand know what mother's need and that is a little hug around the shoulders, a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the back for all of the unseen things they do...maybe a facial if you have the resources :)
Since Jay doesn't always express himself well, I'll take this opportunity to wish his mom, Catherine, a Happy Mama Day:
You are a loving and kind hearted mother and grandmother. We all miss you very much and wish we could be closer for this mommy appreciation day. We can't wait to see you in July!
Thank you for raising a son who is an amazing husband and father. He is a wonderful man. Be very proud. Take a long bath, read an inspiring book, relax and enjoy this day knowing that you are loved. Thank you for being you.
To me Mudder: I often say that now that I am a mother, I have a deeper appreciation for my own. I've raved about her many a time before because she is one to rave about. Completely self-less...a shining example of motherhood. My mom taught me how to be a good wife by being a great wife to my dad. She taught me how to nuture by nuturing, how to love by loving, how to be like Christ by being Christ-like. My mother taught me that you can be a strong, independent, intellegent woman while being a caregiver or running a business or being an active volunteer.
At 9 months pregnant, she left an important job in a bank where she was very successful to raise my sister and I and to take care of my father's aging parents. She has been taking care of our elderly family members ever since, almost 30 years.
Mom has two children who live very far away from her. One on the other side of the nation (Canada is the second largest country in the world so that's pretty far away) and me, on the southern tip of a foriegn land. It has been very difficult on her to have her grandson in another country but she has always encouraged us to live where we're happy and has made having a relationship with Caden a priority by calling to talk to him everyday, travelling whenever time and money allow, demanding photos and videos on a regular basis and above all, praying for his life. A grandmother's love can cross borders and span nations. Family and friend relationships mean everything to my mother. She remembers every birthday...i don't mean just our birthdays, i mean EVERY birthday, on the planet...or at least that's what it feels like...I remember our kitchen calender having a birthday reminder on everyday of the year. Her heart is crazy big.
So I write this for my mother, because I know that even though my physical card is going to be super late (i'm never on the ball when it comes to international shipping), these words will mean alot to her, and they should because they are all true.
I hope when Caden is older he will have a blog like this...and maybe once or twice a year he'll type something nice about me. If i'm half the woman my mother is then that shouldn't be a problem for him...and by that time Jay will be off the hook for mother's day :)
Happy Mother's Day Mom.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Golden Oldies
I know you've probably seen these, but they are pretty awesome so I thought they deserved a come-back. These are some fun videos from back in the day when Caden was an itty bitty peanut.
I am going to have an incredibly hectic 48 hour period between now and Friday night so I am leaving these with you to enjoy until I am able to update once more.
I am going to have an incredibly hectic 48 hour period between now and Friday night so I am leaving these with you to enjoy until I am able to update once more.
She Survived
The bike will live. After an all over tune up, she is apparantly purring like a kitten. We will pick her up on Saturday.
Thank you Lord for cheap repairs.
Thank you Lord for cheap repairs.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Le J'arden de Olives
That is totally not how you say 'Olive Garden' in french, but it works for now.
All can think about are the breadsticks and fettuchini that I will be dining on in an hour with good friends. In the words of Caden, "Num, Num."
Caden is going to a babysitters house and we are going out for eats. Can we afford to be doing that right now? Probably not...but after looking at the bank account today I said to Jay, "I don't care. I NEED to go out."
Sorry Dave Ramsey. $11.95 fettuchini is a small price to pay for my sanity.
I feel like life is really great but VERY chaotic lately. With two jobs, a busy volunteer schedule, one car, a husband who works his buns off constantly and still being with Caden quite a bit, I'm finding it difficult to get things done around the house. Today I knocked out the landry and I scrubbed inbetween the tiles of our shower with Jay's toothbrush...don't worry, we're not was his old toothbrush :)
There was a time in my life where I was extremely messy...just ask my mom, my old roomies at Camp Walter Johnson, or Amy, who kept our apartment from being roped off by the health department. Now clutter makes me hyperventilate.
What happened to me in those 2 years I did nothing but clean and mother? I turned into a crazy person!
So tonight I will battle the crazy with pasta, breadsticks and great conversation.
Once again Dave, sorry for the blatant disrespect to the program...I'll get back on the horse tomorrow.
All can think about are the breadsticks and fettuchini that I will be dining on in an hour with good friends. In the words of Caden, "Num, Num."
Caden is going to a babysitters house and we are going out for eats. Can we afford to be doing that right now? Probably not...but after looking at the bank account today I said to Jay, "I don't care. I NEED to go out."
Sorry Dave Ramsey. $11.95 fettuchini is a small price to pay for my sanity.
I feel like life is really great but VERY chaotic lately. With two jobs, a busy volunteer schedule, one car, a husband who works his buns off constantly and still being with Caden quite a bit, I'm finding it difficult to get things done around the house. Today I knocked out the landry and I scrubbed inbetween the tiles of our shower with Jay's toothbrush...don't worry, we're not was his old toothbrush :)
There was a time in my life where I was extremely messy...just ask my mom, my old roomies at Camp Walter Johnson, or Amy, who kept our apartment from being roped off by the health department. Now clutter makes me hyperventilate.
What happened to me in those 2 years I did nothing but clean and mother? I turned into a crazy person!
So tonight I will battle the crazy with pasta, breadsticks and great conversation.
Once again Dave, sorry for the blatant disrespect to the program...I'll get back on the horse tomorrow.
Monday, May 05, 2008
"Quack, Quack?"
Everytime we get situated into the car Caden says, "Quack, Quack?" which means, "Can you please turn on the song that says 'but the one little duck with the feather on his back, he led the others with a quack, quack, quack."
Caden LOVES that song. He's a big duck fan. He gets that from Grandpa.
Jay and I have been sharing the joy of the quack, quack song lately because his motorcycle died a few days ago. Living in the country while working in the city with one car between us has been nothing short of stressful...especially with gas at a million dollars a gallon...but tomorrow we have finangled a way to get the bike to a bike doctor and we'll know the extent of her damage then.
We're praying it's something small...and cheap...VERY cheap.
I apologize for the lack of photos and video lately...I spilled a little communion juice on my camera zoom (don't ask) and it has stopped working. Perhaps the motorcycle and the camera are in kahoots with the lawn mower...which has also died. Now would be the time for a great deal of money to drop from the sky.
On the bright side, the car still works...the weed eater is still functioning and there's always disposable cameras in the case of a picture emergency.
I have a phone meeting to attend now with various business people from all over the United States. 3910 people across the US of A will be receiving new cell phones and it is mu job to make sure they get them. Their cellular future rests with me....I must go now and save the world.
Caden LOVES that song. He's a big duck fan. He gets that from Grandpa.
Jay and I have been sharing the joy of the quack, quack song lately because his motorcycle died a few days ago. Living in the country while working in the city with one car between us has been nothing short of stressful...especially with gas at a million dollars a gallon...but tomorrow we have finangled a way to get the bike to a bike doctor and we'll know the extent of her damage then.
We're praying it's something small...and cheap...VERY cheap.
I apologize for the lack of photos and video lately...I spilled a little communion juice on my camera zoom (don't ask) and it has stopped working. Perhaps the motorcycle and the camera are in kahoots with the lawn mower...which has also died. Now would be the time for a great deal of money to drop from the sky.
On the bright side, the car still works...the weed eater is still functioning and there's always disposable cameras in the case of a picture emergency.
I have a phone meeting to attend now with various business people from all over the United States. 3910 people across the US of A will be receiving new cell phones and it is mu job to make sure they get them. Their cellular future rests with me....I must go now and save the world.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
My wisdom teeth are viciously attacking my face. Thankfully, 3 ibuprofin seem to knock out the pain for several hours or until I eat something. Someday I'll have dental insurance.
Until then, ibuprofin it is!
Jay started last night with a fever just after a terrible ordeal with the motorcycle not starting. His fever kept climbing and has been super dooper high ever since. He has been throwing up alot too...poor monkey.
I feel as though ever since Caden started in daycare, one of us is ALWAYS ill. Even if Caden doesn't get sick, he's like a dirty little carrier of sickness.
Jay usually puts Caden to bed and of course, he goes straight to sleep...tonight I put Caden to bed and he kicks the wall, jumps up and down, yells, plays and doesn't sleep for 2 hours after lights out...
And I am about to take my throbbing face and my tired self to the playroom where I will sleep on the futon...far from illness...with Mickey to my right and a stuffed Canada goose to my left.
Until then, ibuprofin it is!
Jay started last night with a fever just after a terrible ordeal with the motorcycle not starting. His fever kept climbing and has been super dooper high ever since. He has been throwing up alot too...poor monkey.
I feel as though ever since Caden started in daycare, one of us is ALWAYS ill. Even if Caden doesn't get sick, he's like a dirty little carrier of sickness.
Jay usually puts Caden to bed and of course, he goes straight to sleep...tonight I put Caden to bed and he kicks the wall, jumps up and down, yells, plays and doesn't sleep for 2 hours after lights out...
And I am about to take my throbbing face and my tired self to the playroom where I will sleep on the futon...far from illness...with Mickey to my right and a stuffed Canada goose to my left.
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