Saturday, February 24, 2007

Nap time

I wish I was a napper. I'm not though. I'm a sleeper. If I'm going to fall asleep, then I want to stay asleep..for many hours. Napping to me is like a tease. If I nap I am done for the rest of the day. Cranky, lazy, blah. It takes me so long to actually fall asleep that I would need about 2 hours to get a 45 minute nap so it just doesn't work. I'm writing all of this because Caden is napping and I am bored and tired. This would probably be a great time for me to nap as well, but as stated above, that's not going to happen.
I have to mail out his b-day party invitations today. It's a little close to crunch time, but people should get them by Monday. Life has been horendously busy busy that I don't really no what to do with myself during this little piece of down time. I choose to blog.
I've been a little under the weather lately. Lost my voice on Thursday but it has since made it's return. It's hard to parent effectively with no voice. I wonder how the mute do it.
I just cleaned out the trunk of my car. A huge accomplishment to those of you who have ever seen it. Monday morning I am bringing the car into a detailer to get it cleaned out. Ol' Betsy needs a good scrubbing. Then it's off to the airport to get the parental unit. YAY!
We're also getting Caden a big boy car seat on Monday. I think he's pretty much sick of the old one, but we've been waiting on Nan and Pop to get here because it's their Christmas gift to him. I think the car rides will be much more enjoyable once he is front facing.
Well as boring as this entry has been, I would still appreciate some comments. I haven't gotten any comment love in a while and my self esteem is taking the hit.
Peace in the middle east.


Jennifer (JR) said...

I know how you feel about the comment statement. I always feel like a failure when no one comments on mine as well. I am sorry if I can't say the most inspiring things all the time... ah well, that's life! I have been sick to, so I know how you feel! I can't believe the little man is going to be 1 in like a week - crazy how fast time flies! I am also happy that your parents are coming down for the big day! As for the napping thing, you are on your own there sister - because I LOVE NAPS!!! Now, I need a while to nap too, just because I am one of thoses 1-2 hour nappers. But boy do I feel a lot better afterwards! Please give LOTS of kisses and hugs to the little man for me - and next time you give him a bath, could you add a little more lotion - just for me! ha ha :) Please visit Charlotte sometime SOON! Love you girl!

Kyle McDonald said...

so i found out that i won't be around for Caden's b-day party...sorry, i'll be in orlando. OH i'm glad you liked the wienermobile! ha

Anonymous said...

Hey its I can't believe he will be one soon! How much does he weigh? The poor little bugger won't be able to sit rear facing until he hits the big 20! :) I'm not sure if we will be able to make it or not next Saturday, but we will see what we can do. I'll talk to you more when we get home this week.
Love ya,

Honeydew said...'s me! I'm so envious of Mom and Dad today. When will it be my turn?! Soon...soon. I just wanted to let you know that Lori and I received our M K products on Friday. Thanks, my "consultant". I'll call tonight to make sure that Mom and Dad arrived safe and sound! Love, Sis

The Secret of Happiness said...

I'm so happy your parents are coming:)

Anonymous said...

comment love.

mostly because your car's name is Ol' Betsy.



Johnny said...

Hey Kathy,

I hope Jay doesn't mind me saying that you are beautiful. Very nice picture.

Thanks for always challenging me on my blog. Believe it or not, you are always the first person I think of while I'm writing. I always know that you won't let me get away without the "other side."

Your friend,

Anonymous said...