Can you believe that is itty, bitty baby Caden? About 355 days ago, my little man was born into the world. How did the world function properly prior to that? I have no idea. He is such an incredible little human. He looks like me in this picture. Dark eyes, dark hair and a puffy face....overnight he turned into a clone of Jay...no fair. Here's the evidence that he did for a moment resemble his mama.
Caden turns one on March 4th.
This year has been incredible....I've learned alot. Being a stay-at-home is one of the hardest and most rewarding jobs ever. He's amazing...life is amazing. I love my job....and yes, it is definitly a job! Fulltime, no money, no vacation, not even any personal bathroom breaks. I covet the moments that I get to pee alone. Perhaps that was too much information. Sleeping when the baby sleeps and eatting bon bons all day is definitly NOT what my life looks like.
What are bon bons anyway?
What are bon bons anyway?
Whenever I crave some temporary solitude I just remember the night of March 4th. Caden was born at 10am and by the evening Jay had left for the night and I had baby Caden all to myself and I was just staring at him, praising Jesus that he was finally here. I was invisioning our future. Not the sleepless months (7 to be exact!) the crying, the diapers, the acid reflux...none of that stuff. I was invisioning our love, our discoveries, our laughter, our cuddling. I spent alot of my pregnancy alone. Jay worked alot in order to keep us afloat and I wasn't legal to work because I didn't have my greencard. We only had one vehicle so when he would go to work I was trapped at home most days. I read alot, I painted, I rearranged furniture (which I should not have done while I was pregnant, I know!) I ate alot of fishsticks, I cried alot, I learned to bake, I had alot of great Jesus moments but all in all, I was pretty darn lonely. Caden's arrival renewed my spirit...it gave me a sense of purpose again...it gave me a love I had never felt before. It gave me a new set of eyes.
So when my little baby becomes the big 1 next week, I'm not sure how I'll do. I'm sure it won't hit me until I am alone in the quiet and God whispers in my ear, "You're welcome." Then I will overflow with thankfulness for my awesome little man.
you are a great mom and an evea better wife! You work so hard and rarley get any cretid for just how much you do. our son is amazing but he is also a handfull. I just don't know how you do it.
I can't believe how much he has grown in a year! What a lucky kid to have a mom like you!
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