Here is the scene in Newfoundland right now. I miss alot of things about home. This is not one of them. The first snow fall is some what magical. The first snow storm is somewhat fun...the navigating through hip-deep snow from January till April is not as entertaining. It is so hard to get around in St. John's under these conditions....which is what worries me.
My parents are scheduled to fly out Monday morning, but ontop of all the snow in the pictures above there is another massive snow storm tomorrow.
Not cool.
I'm scared that their flights will be delayed and that we're going to miss out on precious time together. The good thing about Newfoundland is that it is equipped to take care of massive amounts of snow. They have crazy ploughs that shoot snow into dump trucks and then the dump trucks dump it in the ocean. They say there are just as many snow ploughs in NL as there are people. Who knows.
Either way I am praying against Mother Nature's wrath. Aside from the snow, my parents could not have planned a better time to come visit. I feel like I have been hanging off a fast train lately. This week began with no sleep and lots to do...luckily things have slowed down and Caden has somewhat resumed his normal pattern of sleeping through the night. It's definitly hard raising a baby 2000 miles away from family. I know it's equally hard on them to be so far away but we make it work. I love that they don't make us feel guilty for our decision to settle where we've settled. I can't wait for everyone to get what they need in the coming week....for me it's a little break from the munchkin and the company of the 'rents. For them it's a break from the cold and a whole lot of grandbaby huggin. Sounds like a good deal to me.
So I'm praying...
Snow, snow go away!
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